Saturday, July 25, 2015

The Easiest Home Based Business

There are literally so many opportunies to work at home. Without mentioning any names, you could sell soap, skin care, botox, sex aids, self defense, and more. The list of home based companies is truly amazing, and there are some great companies out there with some great products. So what company should you choose?

Well, first you have to find a company that you belive in! If you do not use or belive in the product then you will never make money. You have to be impassioned, people can see through you, if you are passionate about your product then it comes out of you and people feel your excitement.

Next, you should find a company with low start up. It drives me crazy when you join a company and it is a $79 rep fee for your website, then you need to buy a $1500 package of products to launch your business, then you have to agree to a $60 a month auto ship for example. This is all before you have even earned one dollar, or made one sale. You are now $1639 into this business without purchasing business cards, (a must) or a .com or traffic, or...and if you are lucky after spending all this money. You might reach lvl 2 in your company and earn a starting bonus of $150 bucks and $100 in commisions.....wait, I just spent almost $2k and my ROI is $250 bucks! That is crazy! I know what you are is about the long term, eventually I am going to be "level six" and making a six figure know what, with that attitude, you will be! And you should be!

There are 2 major things in my opinion that you need to look at when considering a company to become involved in. The goal is to make money right? We are not here for fun and games, show me the money! Okay here we much does it cost, no really, how much? So many companies pitch the dream and put a low emphasis on the actual start up. Listen, how much money do you have in the bank? Are you the average person working full time taking care of your family? Do you have the $2k in your bank to be serious about starting a business. Then as you go out to grow your team and build your business, how many other people do you think you can find that have that kind of money. Because to make a six figure income in ANY newtork marketing company, you will need to sponor at least 25 people right? How easy do you think it is to find 25 people with an extra $2k that want to be in your business with you?  It is possible, but it is not easy.

Timing, other than cost, timing is the other consideration, and in my opinion the more important of the two when cosidering a new business. There are many companies that have been around for decades. These companies have hundreds of thousands of reps. Let's talk about that famous 6 degrees of seperation for a moment. Most everyone you know within your six or seven levels has been in one or more companies. That means most of your friends (or people in general) have been exposed to that opportunity or product and that reduces your abilty to make a sale or grow your team. That said, imagine you could have bought Microsoft the day it opened, or shares of Amazon, IBM, you would be rich. The key is to get in as early as possible. Why you ask, well with all companies that I am familiar with you have to build a team. With brand new companies you have the ability to be close to the founders and that means you are working with motivated people who are going to be be recruiting like crazy! In most companies in some form the upline is placing people under you, if you are new to the company lets say in the first 50k reps, and let's say this company is going to grow to 100k reps in a year, that means you potentially could have thousands of reps under you in the company and getting paid residual on their work. That is key, the jey to making a six figure income at home, is not only direct sales, but residual income as well.

I could go on for hours so I am going to leave you for now with this one last thought. There is a company right now that meets these two criteria, but it wont forever. It is very low startup. $45 bucks,no big package to buy no yearly renewal just buy 1 product and you are in. This company us still in its infancy in building their relationship marketing business. Means low reps, and potential for huge growth. This is the time. My reccomendation is buy a product, lock your spot in the tree before it is too late, then really dig in. You have spent $45 bucks on worse things that have made no money. So lock your spot, get your feet wet, but do it now!