Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Be Happily Unemployed by 2012

In almost all cases being unemployed is a very negative thing. However when you’re unemployed because you work from home with your home based business that’s a very positive thing. For the network marketers all over the world who have been unemployed for years and years nothing is better than not having a job. In fact the idea of having a traditional job or a boss is downright terrifying. It’s true that once you work for yourself you’ll never want another job ever again!

And that is exactly what this article is dedicated to. You can be happily unemployed by 2011. If you’re sick of your job. If you’re sick of your boss and if you’re sick of your tiny paycheck you need to seriously consider going into business with yourself.

A home based business can seem like a scary thing. However almost all network marketers start out part time. So you don’t have to quit your job and risk losing everything. You can start your own business on the side and work it part time so that when your income is where you want it to be you can quit your job without the fear of financial ruin.

By working just 2-3 hours per day or less before or after work you can start to build an income that will allow you to break free from the shackles of a traditional job.

The great thing about most network marketing is that the people who bring you into the business will handle training you and teaching you how to be successful. All of the tools and the entire system will be laid out for you so that you don’t have to learn for yourself how to be successful. You just plug into the system and you’re on your way to making money from home.

Your income isn’t going to be huge in your first month or two but it will start to grow and grow more each month if you’re working your business consistently. So that by 2011 you could very well be ready to say goodbye to your old job. Just think of ringing in the new year by saying goodbye to your boss forever!

So what do you say? Are you ready to be happily unemployed? If so get more information about working from home today!

Network Marketing Scams...The Truth!

Article 1

Network Marketing Scams… The TRUTH!

There are a lot of articles out here on the internet about network marketing, mlm or direct sales. Most of them are designed to get you to sign up for their particular business. Because of that they aren’t always 100% accurate. This article is being written so that anyone who is interested in joining this controversial industry will be able to know the truth about it before they waste any time, money or effort.

Network marketing is a very different type of business than most people are use to. Rather than completely focusing on the product and sales network marketers are compensated for building a team as well. So you’re doing two things at once. You’re bringing people into your business, training them and helping them succeed. While you’re also marketing and selling your product or service. If you’re not consistently doing both of these things you’re not going to have success in network marketing.

Another thing that makes network marketing so different is that generally you have to spend money to get started in the business. The reason for this is because you’re not just getting another job you’re starting your own business. Businesses cost money to start, jobs don’t. So if you’re thinking about getting started in network marketing you need to know that you’ll actually be starting your own business. This is a big plus for many people but can be a negative for some depending on exactly what you want.

Finally we get to the number one reason why network marketing is so controversial. The scams. Yes, it is true that there are bad businesses out there who will steal your money and offer you nothing in return. They’re sort of here today gone tomorrow.

However it’s important to realize that that is a rarity in an industry that is 99% of the time completely legitimate. It’s a shame that a few bad apples can ruin the reputation of an entire industry but it’s true.

For the most part network marketing is a great way to make money from home. It’s simple, it’s inexpensive and it can work for just about anyone. Just make sure that you do some research on your company ahead of time before joining. This will ensure that you won’t be getting into anything that might be a scam.

If a company has been around for at least a year, they have a physical product they market or if they have a corporate office (I.e. they don’t operate out of a mini van) you’re probably dealing with a legal legitimate company.

Don’t let the fear of getting scammed stop you from joining a business that can change your life forever.

Friday, January 22, 2010

Can You Really Make Money While On Vacation?

What could be better than being on vacation with your friends or family and STILL MAKING MONEY!? It’s the dream right? But is it really possible? With a home based business it is totally possible.

Here are a few things that you can do while on vacation that will help you make money while you’re relaxing on the beach.

1. Update Your Blog

Your home based business blog should be a good mix of business related material with a little bit of your personal life thrown in. If you already have quite a few faithful subscribers all it will take is a new post or two about how much fun you’re having on vacation (pictures are a big bonus) to peak some serious interest. Bonus points if the vacation you’re taking isn’t during the summer or other prime vacation months.

Imagine someone sitting in their office looking at pictures of you and your family on an awesome sunny vacation. It’s great for business!

2. Use Social Networking Sites

Much like your blog social networking sites like Myspace, Twitter, and face book allow you to reach out to tons of people at one time. Instead of spamming and constantly posting annoying ads on your social networking sites why not update them with pictures or stories of how much fun you’re having? Trust me it will make your friends jealous and some of them are going to ask more about your business.

3. Send Out An Email To Your List

If you have a pretty large email list then sending out a big bulk email alerting them that you’ll be on vacation for the next , week, two weeks or month will be sure to peak a ton of interest. Don’t send out the email to brag. Just let them know that you may not be available for a while since you’re in (insert awesome vacation spot). It’ll get their attention for sure.

4. Shoot Some Video For The Web

Video for the web doesn’t have to be a highly produced scripted thing. Grab your camcorder or digital camera and short a few short videos about your vacation to post on Youtube and other online sources. Try to keep them short and sweet and make sure your background looks good (like not in your hotel room) at the beach, by the pool, on the ski slopes or in front of a landmark are all good ideas!

Those are the top 4 tips for building your home based business while on vacation. So what are you still doing here? Get out there and have some fun!

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

How to Write a More Effective Blog Posts

If you are building your home based business online chances are you already know the importance of blogging. Having a business blog can be one of the best things you can do for your business in order to attract people to you and gain more prospects.

Blogging also allows you to stay in touch and build a relationship with people already on your team that may be scattered around the country or the globe. If you’re wanting to build an effective and popular blog you don’t need much.

The first thing you’ll need is a good domain name. I recommend using a domain name that is keyword optimized. So rather than perhaps go with something like or the possibilities are endless but just know that keywords are always best because they will automatically get your blog in the search engines faster.

However the real trick to building an effective blog doesn’t lay in the domain name, or the layout (although obviously you don’t want an ugly blog) but in the content aka the posts themselves.

So how do you write more effective blog posts that will not only captivate your current readers and keep them coming back but help you gain a bigger and bigger audience and at the same time raise your blog in the search engines?

Her are a few simple tips to help you write better content for your blog.

1. Keywords!

This can not be said enough. If you want to build a popular and effective blog you can’t do it without the use of keywords. Take some time and do your keyword research because it will pay off big time if you do it right! Another good tip is to use keywords in the categories for your blog as well! Wherever you can fit in a keyword do it!

2. Get Original!

Nobody is going to come back an visit a boring blog. Make sure your content is original and exciting. The most effective blogs I’ve found will have a mix of helpful content and personal stories. You want your readers to know and trust you as a business person as well as care about you as an individual.

3. Use Pictures!

I can not stress enough how much adding pictures will add to your blog. Breaking up your text with pictures will make people want to read more and more and the more personal the pics can be the better. So if you’re talking about your trip to Hawaii with the family don’t just use a stock photo of Hawaii use one of you and your family! Another tip is to make sure and keyword optimize the titles of your pictures before you post them as well!

Those are just a few simple tips that will help your blog become more popular. Make sure you work on your blog at least a couple times a week and follow these tips and you’ll be good to go!

Great Places to Work!

One of the great things about working from home is that you don’t have to STAY at home. Here are 4 different places that you can choose to work your home based business from!

1. A Coffee Shop

Coffee is the official drink of work isn’t it? It seems like no office would be complete without a big pot of coffee to keep their employees working hard. Many coffee places today offer free WiFi in their stores so you get the big comfy chairs, the relaxing atmosphere, free internet AND yummy coffee to keep you working… what’s not to like? It’s also a lot less expensive than working in a restaurant and they usually don’t mind if you set up shop for a couple of hours. It’s just the perfect spot for almost anyone.

2. Your Own Backyard

That might sound crazy but sometimes it’s not about being far, far away from home it’s just about getting outside for a while. If you sit outside with your laptop you can probably still pick up your internet signal from inside the house. You can watch the kids play, maybe get a tan and just enjoy the freedom that you wouldn’t have if you were stuck in a cubicle all day. A picnic table or some patio furniture and a glass of lemonade make this the perfect set up and it’s free!

3. The Mall

This one might seem a little out there for some people but sitting in the food court of a mall can be a great place to get some work done. Here’s why. There are lots of people buzzing around so if you’re writing a blog post or an article there is plenty of inspiration. Also, there’s nothing like going and checking out that pair of shoes or that outfit you want to motivate you to work a little harder. Of course if you’re the type of person who has to have quiet in order to get work done this is not the best option for you. But some people work best with a little noise around them and this is one of the best spots for that. Plus you have your choice of a bunch of different restaurants!

4. On The Beach

This really is the dream scenario isn’t it? Sitting on the beach (or in a cabin in the mountains that’s what you’re into) relaxing and enjoying the day and getting a little work done while you’re at it. Obviously most of us can’t do this one year round but your work just won’t seem as hard if you’re doing it while sipping a mai-tai and feeling the sand in your toes.

8 Steps to Creating Wealth Online

Are you searching for a way to make money online? Some people make working from home out to be a lot harder than it really is. Just follow these 8 simple steps to success working online. You might just be the next big internet marketing superstar!

1) Find a niche that excites you! If you have a passion for what you’re doing you are much more likely to have success in it. It’s always easier to promote a product or service that you truly believe in than trying to sell something just to make a quick buck.

2) Take action! Don’t just get ready to get ready but make a plan and go after it. Action is ALWAYS better than inaction when it comes to working online. Even if you’re not doing something exactly right do it anyway!

3) Register your own domain name and create your own website or blog. Every home based business owner needs a website. And using your companies website isn’t the best. You need something that’s unique and more you.

4) Write down all of your goals and when you plan to accomplish them.

5) Make sure your goals aren’t just money based but are grounded in real emotion. A dollar amount will never motivate you the way spending time with your kids will.

6) Offer some tips, advice, and other information for free! When you give good information away for free people will come to trust you and will eventually want to do business with you.

7) Always try to help will come back to you ten fold.

8) Have faith in yourself that you can do anything you put your mind to… the rest will just fall into place.

Are You Waiting for Retirement to Enjoy Life?

It seems like such a shame to me that so many people wait until they’re in their 50’s, 60’s or even later to do all the things that they’ve always wanted to do. What about you? Are you living the life of your dreams or are you putting it off until tomorrow?

You don’t have to be over the hill to enjoy life and start doing the things that you’ve always dreamed of doing. However, that is what many people believe. Why put off until your 50’s what you can do in your 20’s or 30’s? Why not start living the life you want right now and for the rest of your life?

A home based business allows you to have the freedom to work when and where you want to work. It also allows you to make the kind of money that will allow you to have the lifestyle you want right now. This type of freedom doesn’t come without work but it’s easier than you might think to attain.

The internet has allowed so many different types of people to become successful. It truly has leveled the playing field for so many. Several years ago if you wanted to become successful in network marketing you needed to have a big list of friends to call on.

These days you can meet limitless numbers of people online who want exactly what you’re offering so the possibilities are endless. Along with making it easier the internet also helps people grow their businesses faster! So in just a couple short years you can live the life that only most dream of having and you don’t have to keep putting your dreams to the side or saving them up for a better day.

Stop wishing and dreaming of the life you want and start living it starting right now. You can have any life you want… are you living the one you want?

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

The Importamce of Keywords

If you’re thinking about building your home based business online you’re going to need to know a lot about keywords. People don’t always realize the importance of keywords to their home based business however, they are actually critical to your online success.

A keyword is a word or phrase that people type into a search engine hoping to find different websites and resources that they want or need. Because of that if you don’t use keywords correctly there is a good chance that no one will be able to find your website when they’re searching for it.

If nobody can find your website your business obviously won’t be doing well so it’s vitally important to the life of your business that you research keywords and know exactly how to use them. There are many resources online that will help you learn how to get the most out of keywords however, here are a few tips to help you get started and you can build from there.

First of all, you’ll want to make your keywords as specific as possible. Yes, there are a lot of people online looking for the term “home based business” but if you go to google or any other search engine you’ll find that there are so many websites that already use the term “home based business” that your competition is too steep.

A better choice would be “best home based job in Chicago” or “top work from home opportunity in Texas”. Even though less people will be searching for these terms when they do search for them they’ll have a better chance of finding you. The more specific the better with your keywords especially when it comes to the home based business industry because there is so much competition.

Try to use keywords in your website domain name, on your website, on your blog, in articles, on Youtube and pretty much everywhere else you can.

Everything comes back to keywords when you’re working on the internet. Do your research and find keywords that work well for you. Use them as much as possible and more and more people will be looking at your opportunity and that means more money in your pocket.