Monday, November 30, 2009

Are You Setting Yourself Apart?

Are You Setting Yourself Apart From The MLM Crowd?

Let’s face it. There are a ton of people in network marketing today and for the most part they’re all offering the same thing.

Work from home, spend more time with your family, make six figures, take better vacations, be your own boss….

So if you’re going to jump into the home based business game you have to ask yourself something. What is going to set you and your business apart from everyone else?

Now before you say your product let me stop you right there. A product is never what gets someone into a home based business. Yes, some products are better than others. And yes, some products will have better conversion than others. However, what really gets someone truly excited about a home based business isn’t the great product it’s the great opportunity.

You can have the lamest product in the history of network marketing but if you can teach me how to make $100,000 a year with it I’m in!

What sets you apart for the other people in your company and all the other people in all the other companies out there is what is going to be the difference between success and failure.

This is especially true for people who want to build their home based business on the internet. There is so much work from home stuff online that if you don’t have a clear niche or a smart gimmick to make you stand out you will be lost in the endless sea of spam.

So now that you know you need something how do you go about getting it?

Well first I would tell you to think about who you are because 9 times out of 10 that’s the key to unlocking your perfect niche!

Maybe you’re a single mom who wants to stay home with her three kids.

Maybe you’re a blue collar worker who is tired of working hard all his life and having little to show for it.

Maybe you’re a teacher who loves the kids but hates the teeny tiny paycheck.

Maybe you’re a college student who doesn’t want to get a crappy part time job but instead is working from your dorm room to pay for school.

Whatever it is that makes you you… play that up!

If you’re a stay at home mom you should be talking to other stay at home moms! If you’re someone who has been in 10 different network marketing companies but you’re still trying to create true wealth you should be talking to people whose stories are similar. And if you’re a young 20 something you shouldn’t be trying to sell 40 year olds on the concept of working from home you should be talking to young adults just like you!

You don’t have to be all things to all people. Find who you are and what makes your story special and use that as the gimmick that will set you far apart from the network marketing heap.

Set yourself apart and be authentically you and building your business will become a breeze!

Sunday, November 29, 2009

Legitimate Opportunities that will Set You Free

One of the most searched for teams online is “legitimate work from home opportunity” every day thousands of people are searching for a real honest way to make money from home. So I ask you… is there really such a thing as a legitimate work from home opportunity or are they all a bunch of scams?

Believe it or not there are a lot of totally legal and extremely profitable ways to make money from home out there. There is affiliate marketing which is taking a product someone else has created and promoting that product for them. When you do this you get a commission.

The is product creation though that can cost a lot of money and take a ton of time.

Then there is what man men and women consider to be the best way to make money from home. Network marketing. Yes I know, people don’t like the phrase network marketing. In fact it’s almost as if it’s become some sort of a dirty word. And that is incredibly unjustified.

Network marketing is nothing but a TYPE of business. It’s promoting a product, building a team and getting paid forever on what you do only once. Sure there are people who have failed in MLM but that doesn’t mean that all network marketing is bad or “a scam”.

In fact anyone who really knows anything about network marketing knows that it’s the simplest way for someone to get rich in America today.

One of the things that makes network marketing so great is the fact that you can start part time. You don’t have to quit your job or get a new degree to get started. You can ease yourself into a better way of life!

As your income builds upon it’s self you can be in a position to quit your job if you desire. Being your own boss is one of the very best things about network marketing and the people who are enjoying it wouldn’t trade it for anything in the world!

Find out more of the facts about network marketing and discover how it can truly set you free. Is there such a thing as a legitimate work from home opportunity? You bet there is!

Are Your Fears Holding You Back?

Are you afraid of failing in your home based business?

Let me ask you something even more disturbing.. Are you afraid to SUCCEED in your home based business?

Whatever your fears are they could seriously be holding you back from greatness. Whether we want to admit it or not fear is a huge motivator. If you’re being motivated by fear of any kind you can never truly be successful in your business.

Here are the two major forms of fear and how to stop them!

Fear Of Failure

Fear of failure is a very common thing. Almost all people are afraid of failing on some level. However, the people I am talking about are the people who let their fear cripple them to the point where they don’t do anything at all. They are afraid to take a risk in any capacity because they are afraid if they do they will fail. This type of fear will never allow you to accomplish anything wonderful in your life. It will stop you every chance it gets. That’s why you have to stop IT first.

How To Overcome It!

Unfortunately there really is no easy way to face this type of fear. The only think you can really do is stare fear in the eyes and do whatever it is your afraid to do anyway. You also have to give yourself permission to mess up from time to time. Just because you don’t sign up the first few people you talk to doesn’t mean you’re a failure. In fact the only way you can really fail is if you give up and quit. If you refuse to do that failing is just not an option at all!

Fear Of Success

Nobody in their right mind would really honestly believe that they are afraid of success however many people truly are. People place all kinds of limitations on themselves. Many people believe that they will only ever be able to make $40,000 or $50,000 a year and so the idea of exceeding that scares them a bit. I know it sounds crazy but it’s really much more common than we’d like to believe.

How To Overcome It!

Realize that you have no limitations except the ones you put on yourself. If you put your ceiling at $75,000 how do you ever expect to make it to $100,000? You can’t… it’s impossible. But, as soon as you raise that ceiling and give yourself permission to be excellent you will be!

Don’t let fear control your life and your business anymore. Gain control from fear and doubt and your business will be much more likely to succeed!


Thursday, November 19, 2009

Are You Preventing Yourself from Success??

The mind is a powerful, powerful thing. And a home based business is either a failure or a success based on how your mindset is. If you believe that you are going to fail you defiantly will and if you believe you’re going to be a huge success you’ll do that too. Most people who are holding themselves back have no idea why. That’s when they want to blame it on the product or the company or the person who brought them into the business. However, it usually doesn’t have anything to do with those reasons. Instead the problem most likely lies with the person themselves.

So with all that being said I want to ask you a question… Do you really believe you can make money online?

If you’re reading this article you’re either A) already involved in a home based business of some kind and probably looking for some advice to help you make more money or B) thinking about joining a home based business but you want to check it all out first.

Whichever category you fall into the first thing you need to do is fix your mindset to prepare yourself for the success that working from home can bring.

If you’re not already in a business you must first find the belief in yourself before joining a company. This is because if you come into a business without full belief in yourself you are setting yourself up for a huge failure. You simply can not be successful in a home based business if you don’t believe in yourself.

So how do you fix this problem before it ruins your business?

For starters you can start looking at the things that you’ve accomplished in your life. I don’t know you but I do know that if you take a good look at everything you’ve ever done you’re sure to find some really positive things.

Maybe you’ve been a great husband, or a great parent or maybe you’re a great employee at your current job… anything that can help you see that you’re capable of great things.

Also, take a look at some of the people who are extremely successful working from home. Stay at home moms with no college degree, people who were unemployed, college students, high school drop outs…

The great thing about a home based business is that anyone no matter where they came from or what their background is can be extremely successful in a home based business as long as they work hard and believe in themselves.

Don’t let your lack of self belief stop you from becoming great in your business. Once you believe you can achieve anything!

How to Talk to Coworkers About Your Business

Of everyone that you know co-workers might be the hardest to talk to about your home based business. It can be frustrating to work along side people who would be great in your business but you aren’t sure how to approach them about it because you don’t want to get in trouble at work. So how exactly do you go about talking to the people you work with about your home based business without becoming a laughing stock or worse getting in trouble with your boss? Here are a few tips that should help you out when talking to co-workers.

1. Keep It Casual

Don’t come storming into your workplace talking about how your going to be out of there in a few months and go into a huge sales pitch. Try to keep everything as casual as possible. It’s totally fine to mention that you’re doing something part time from home and talk about it with your co-workers just as long as the boss doesn’t think you’re trying to take their entire office away. Keep any talk of your business light, fun and casual at work and most people won’t mind.

2. Don’t Pass Anything Out

It’s usually a good idea not to bring any flyers or brochures to work with you. Anything that could get passed around is generally not a good idea.

3. Make It Clear That You’re Not Leaving

Whenever you’re talking about your home based business try to make it clear that you’re doing it part time to make more money for yourself and your family. You don’t have to tell anyone that you’re thinking about leaving once you become more successful. You don’t want to get passed over for a promotion or a raise because your boss thinks your leaving the company in a month or two. It takes a while to build a business so don’t let everyone at work know you’re halfway out the door until you’re really ready to leave.

4. Do It Outside Of The Office

If you want to talk to someone in greater detail or you want to single someone out who you feel would be a really great fit for your business. Try doing it somewhere out of the office. For instance on a lunch break or after work over a few drinks. When you’re out of the four walls of your actual office building you’ll be able to speak much more freely and without the fear of consequences.

If you follow these four tips you should be able to speak to your co-workers in a way that is appropriate for the workplace.


Message Board and Forum Marketing Tips

If you are involved in a home based business and you want an endless supply of people to market to you may not find a better source than an online message board for forum. There are so many forums online and when you find the right ones you can generate an endless stream of prospects easily and for free.

Here are a few tips that will help you when marketing your home based business on an online forum or community.

1. Contribute before you ad a signature. If you make it clear that the only reason you’re on the forum is to get your website noticed people will get annoyed by you. You need to start out by posting answers to other peoples questions as well as starting your own threads BEFORE you ad a link to your website in your signature. This will show people that you want to be a legitimate part of the community and you’re not just looking for sign ups.

2. Use your picture as your avatar. This is a small thing that I have found to make a big difference. Internet marketing can be so impersonal. Let them see the real you. It will help them trust you more and give you instant credibility.

3. Don’t spam. There really isn’t very much that needs to be said about this. Spam is annoying and it won’t get you any sign ups. Just don’t do it. It’s not worth your time and it will ruin your reputation on the forum.

4. Try to be as friendly and helpful as possible. If you know the answer to a question answer it. Even if it doesn’t have anything to do with your business it doesn’t matter contribute as much as possible and make sure people know that you care about them.

5. Make sure you follow the forum rules. If it says right in the rules that you’re not allowed to promote your business don’t do it… end of story. Some forums are good places to get information about online marketing but they’re ad free for a reason. Don’t go against the rules or you’ll get banned. It’s just not worth it.


Saturday, November 7, 2009

Success in Home Business with a Family

For a lot of people finding time to work their home based business is hard thing to do, people are so busy these days. However, for men and women who have young children in the house the job of finding time for your business can be even harder… but not impossible. In this article we’ll be giving you a handful of way that you can successfully build an income from home even if you have kids!

Tip #1 – Naptime!

This one is pretty obvious, if you have small children in the house naptime just might be your favorite time of the day! Even if your kids don’t nap for that long it will still give you some child-free time to make calls, market online, answer emails or however else you market from home.

Sometimes all you need is 15 or 20 minutes to get a good amount of work done, now obviously this shouldn’t be the only thing you do for your business all day but it’s a start. If you have any prospects to call back this is an especially good time to do that because talking on the phone is usually easier while the kids are asleep.

Try to make the most out of your kids naptime by getting things ready to go while they are awake so that when they go down you can get right to work and get the most out of your time. That means getting the names and numbers of the people you need to call back, or just getting things organized in general.

Tip #2 – Mommy/ Daddy Day

Sending your children to have a special day with just mommy or daddy can be a great way to give the other parent time alone to work on their business. Most parents I know would LOVE to spend a day with their kids at the park, going to see a movie or hanging out at an amusement park.

By scheduling these special trips every couple of weeks it will give you an entire uninterrupted day of work… and that can go REALLY far when you’re trying to build a business!

If you and your spouse are separated you might have set days when you know your children will be with their other parent… USE THAT TIME. If you’re still together it would be best to sit down with your spouse an work out a time when the other parent can have some one on one time with the kids therefore giving you lots of time to get things done at the house.

This is also awesome for the child because they get to spend a fun day alone with mommy or daddy and those are memories they’ll have forever!

Tip #3 – DVD’s Are Your FRIEND

Now I’m not saying to let the T.V. parent your kids. However, there’s nothing wrong with allowing your kids to pick out a fun movie, pop some popcorn and sit them in front of the T.V. from time to time.

Let me say it again, when you are trying to build a business… DVD’s are your FRIEND! Use them! Depending on the age and the attention span of your child that can give you anywhere from 30 minutes to an hour and a half of pure uninterrupted work time and that will go a long way.

Tip #4 – Crafts

Kids LOVE to do arts and crafts. Even children who tend to be a little hyper will usually settle down to make something especially when they get to use their hands and be creative.

Of course you’ll have to find the right crafts for the right age range but once you do it will not only give you some good work time but it will be fun for your kids as well. Keep in mind that if you have your kids working in one room that might not be the best time to start making calls because there will probably be some supervising that needs to take place. It is a good time, however, to organize things or perhaps do different kinds of online marketing that you can stop and start at your leisure.

Tip #5 - Early Bedtimes and Strategic Calling

Our final tip is like naptime, it’s pretty obvious. Depending on what time your kids go to bed and what time zone you live in bedtime can be a GREAT time to catch up on calls and just get things done in general.

Now I’m not telling you to send your kids to bed earlier than they normally go but, let’s say they go to bed at 8:00 PM. If you live in the Eastern time Zone that’s only 5:00 PM Pacific or 6:00 Mountain or 7:00 Central… THAT’S PRIME CALLING TIME!

Remember when you’re making phone calls or doing marketing of any kind that you are not limited to your time zone just because it’s too late to make calls in one time zone doesn’t mean you might not be able to call people who live in another.

Of course this rule does go both ways. You will need to be aware of what time it is in other time zones and make sure you’re not calling people where it is 3 hours later!

If you organize yourself well throughout the day you should have everything organized and ready to go so that when the kids go to bed you will at least have a couple good hours of work time.

I hope that these tips have been helpful in allowing you to find time to work your home based business as much as possible while still being an awesome mom or dad. Also please remember that your kids are probably one of the main reasons you’re working your business anyway. The more time you spend in the early stages of your business building your income the more time you’ll be free to spend with them down the road for years to come!

Dan Himes

What is Your Back Up Plan?

In today’s world with the economy the way it is many people are starting to ask themselves, what’s my Plan B? If you’re one of those people listen up, because I’m about to tell you how making money from home with the help of a home based business could be just the answer you’re looking for.

It’s a sad thing to say but right now there really isn’t such a thing as “job security”. I’m not trying to scare you or cause you any worry but it’s true. People are getting laid off in massive numbers these days due to the crunch in the economy, and your job no matter what it is could be next.

So what can you do NOW to make sure you and your family will be ok if that time ever comes? (and I hope it doesn’t).

Many people are investing in a home based business right now so that if anything should ever happen to their steady paycheck they’ll have something to fall back on. It’s easy to take your job for granted while you have it but what if the day comes when your boss can no longer afford to pay you? What would happen to you and your family?

Get the information you need right now, to ensure that you’ll have the money to pay your bills, today, tomorrow and forever!

Home based businesses tend to get a bad rap. Many people look at them as scams or schemes but the people who are involved in them know that it truly is the best way of making money!

Along with the financial security which can be invaluable in times like these, home based businesses also allow you to live the kind of live you’ve always dreamed of.

What do I mean by that? Imagine being able to go on vacation with your family whenever you want! How awesome would it be if you could leave when you want to leave, stay as long as you want to stay and actually have the money to do whatever it is you want to do? A home based business can provide that for you.

Last year and this year alone millions of people were laid of, and of those millions and millions how many people are now facing financial ruin? Probably most of them sadly, however if they had the power of a secondary income from a home based business coming in their time out of work would have been a whole lot easier.

Again, this article is not meant to scare you or bully you into joining a business you don’t want to join. However, I hope you’ll understand that home business success IS real and it could be just what you and your family need one day.

Start getting more information about working from home today, you can start part time and build an income that could potentially be LIFE CHANGING!

Dan Himes

Why Choose Network Marketing

So, you’ve decided you want to start working from home but you’re not really sure how to go about it? There are a ton of reasons why so many people crave the freedom of making money from home.

One reason is of course money, when you work from home you control your income. You work hard, you get paid… you work harder, you get paid MORE! It’s a beautiful thing! That kind of freedom is something that you’ll never get on a traditional J.O.B. where the boss tells you how much you get paid and that’s that.

Another popular reason for working from home is spending more time with your family, spouse, children or just doing what you want to do WHEN you want to do it.

Finally some people want to work from home because they want to be their own boss, and that certainly is a great reason. Not having to punch a time sheet or have a set lunch hour, no deadlines or boss breathing down your neck. It’s true… working from home really is the good life.

Now back to our original problem…. how exactly to go about making money from home.

For many people all over the world the answer is simple… network marketing! I know, I know for a lot of people network marketing has almost become a dirty word but just hear me out. You see it’s not network marketing that people don’t like… really it’s not… it’s bad companies.

Over the years there have been more than a few companies out there that have used the name network marketing to cover up their illegal scams. Those companies have, unfortunately, given all of network marketing a bad name. That is unfortunate because there is NOTHING illegal, immoral or unethical about network marketing…. NOTHING!

At it’s core network marketing is extremely simple and extremely effective. You have a product, and instead of doing all the work yourself you bring a few other people into the business to help share the work load. Those people bring in a few people and those people bring in a few and before you know it you and your sales team have sold a LOT of product, and you’ve only done a fraction of the work. Not only is this business plan simple it’s SMART!

Almost all network marketing companies offer a type of income called residual income, and trust me that is the best income there is.

Residual income means you do the work one time and you continue to get paid on it month after month year after year. Sound good? IT IS! When you choose to become a part of a network marketing company you start building your residual income so that eventually you won’t have to work very much or even work at all!

The final reason so many people choose to build their businesses with network marketing is, there is already a structure and system in place. Network marketing companies are successful for the same reason McDonalds is successful. They can teach you to follow a simple system and if you follow the system you’ll get great results.

Yes, you COULD decide to start your own business from the ground up. However, the problem with that is that there isn’t already a system in place for you. Maybe you’ll succeed and maybe you won’t. When you find the right network marketing company for you your results are guaranteed! Just look at the successful people, follow their path to success and you’ll find it for yourself. Why try and re-invent the wheel? After all you probably want to work from home to make your life easier right?

Network marketing is a simple, totally legal and very profitable way to make money from home. Find the company that works best for you and start discovering the benefits of building an income with network marketing!

Dan Himes