Monday, November 30, 2009

Are You Setting Yourself Apart?

Are You Setting Yourself Apart From The MLM Crowd?

Let’s face it. There are a ton of people in network marketing today and for the most part they’re all offering the same thing.

Work from home, spend more time with your family, make six figures, take better vacations, be your own boss….

So if you’re going to jump into the home based business game you have to ask yourself something. What is going to set you and your business apart from everyone else?

Now before you say your product let me stop you right there. A product is never what gets someone into a home based business. Yes, some products are better than others. And yes, some products will have better conversion than others. However, what really gets someone truly excited about a home based business isn’t the great product it’s the great opportunity.

You can have the lamest product in the history of network marketing but if you can teach me how to make $100,000 a year with it I’m in!

What sets you apart for the other people in your company and all the other people in all the other companies out there is what is going to be the difference between success and failure.

This is especially true for people who want to build their home based business on the internet. There is so much work from home stuff online that if you don’t have a clear niche or a smart gimmick to make you stand out you will be lost in the endless sea of spam.

So now that you know you need something how do you go about getting it?

Well first I would tell you to think about who you are because 9 times out of 10 that’s the key to unlocking your perfect niche!

Maybe you’re a single mom who wants to stay home with her three kids.

Maybe you’re a blue collar worker who is tired of working hard all his life and having little to show for it.

Maybe you’re a teacher who loves the kids but hates the teeny tiny paycheck.

Maybe you’re a college student who doesn’t want to get a crappy part time job but instead is working from your dorm room to pay for school.

Whatever it is that makes you you… play that up!

If you’re a stay at home mom you should be talking to other stay at home moms! If you’re someone who has been in 10 different network marketing companies but you’re still trying to create true wealth you should be talking to people whose stories are similar. And if you’re a young 20 something you shouldn’t be trying to sell 40 year olds on the concept of working from home you should be talking to young adults just like you!

You don’t have to be all things to all people. Find who you are and what makes your story special and use that as the gimmick that will set you far apart from the network marketing heap.

Set yourself apart and be authentically you and building your business will become a breeze!

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