Saturday, December 19, 2009

How to Make the Best Youtube Videos for your Business

Video is a powerful medium and it works for huge companies when they advertise during the superbowl and it can work for your home based business on online sites like Youtube. So how do you get the most out of your online videos? Here are a few ways to make better you tube videos and get the most out of online video marketing.

First of all lets talk about length. The perfect Youtube video should be between 3 and 5 minutes. Any shorter and it will seems like you don’t have any value and any longer and people will start to tune out. So no more long 9 minute videos rambling on and on about your business keep it short!

Also, Youtube is not the place to give out all the information about your business. You don’t have to do the entire sales pitch. The main point behind a Youtube video is to get the person interested enough to either pick up and phone and call you or visit a website that will have more detailed information. That’s why you want to keep your videos short and interesting. You don’t want to go into a lot of detail because you can talk about that later. Just peak their interests, that’s enough.

Another good tip is that funny is always good. There are a million videos out there of people sitting in a boring office at a boring desk talking about boring things. If you really want to get peoples attention try to add some humor and craziness to your video that way people will remember you, they might pass your video on and they’ll probably be interested in at least finding out more about you or your business.

The final tip is to use keywords in your description and your title. The keywords will help people to find your videos. There are so many Youtube videos that if you don’t use keywords you might not end up getting very many views. So really do your research before you post your video and use keywords that people will be searching for.

I hope that these tips help you get a lot of views and gain a ton of prospects by using Youtube or any other online video site.

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