Sunday, February 28, 2010

Recession Proof Your Lifestyle With The Help Of A Home Based Business

These days everyone is talking about the recession. I see it all the time on the internet and on t.v. people are constantly trying to find a way to stay afloat and pay all of their bills and many of them are turning to a home based business or internet marketing. So is this a good idea or something they’ll end up regretting down the line?

I whole heartedly believe that a home based business is the best way to work from home, spend more time with your family and recession proof your life. Here are a few reasons why.

The first reason is simple and basic. It is secondary income. Even if we weren’t in the middle of a huge recession how couldn’t use a little secondary income?

When you have a second income you can not only pay all of your bills but you can also do some of the fun things that many people are missing out of because of these hard economic times.

Another reason a home based business will recession proof your life is that you can never get fired when you work for yourself. Even if you have a great job that pays you a lot of money you still should think about what would happen if that income was gone tomorrow.

Many people who believed their jobs would always be secure are now finding themselves in the un-employment line. Really no ones job is safe. The only way you are promised any kind of income is through a home based business. That’s not doom and gloom that’s just a fact.

Besides having a secondary income and a job you can’t get fired from here are a few more good solid reasons why you should seriously think about working from home: spend less money on gas, take your children out of daycare, don’t spend money going out to lunch, start part time and build your income up before you leave your job!

The list goes on and on. In this economic climate working from home just makes good sense! Don’t wait until it’s too late to start making money from home and recession proofing your families lifestyle.

Find a home based business that’s right for you and start working from home today!

Saturday, February 27, 2010

Ease Your Way into Internet and Network Marketing

Internet marketing is the way of the future. If you’re involved in a home based business but you don’t do anything online to market it you are missing out on a lot of business and a ton of money. If you’re use to the old school methods of marketing your business you might think that you don’t need to learn how to market online or you might think that it’s too tough and you’ll never be able to learn. Neither of these are true.

The fact is that everyone should be marketing their business one the internet. It allows you to reach more people for less money, and since the internet is always there 24/7 it allows you to work during house of the day when you wouldn’t be able to call prospects of do anything else like that.

Learning the internet can be scary if you’ve never done anything on it but once you take the time to learn it you’ll see just how valuable a tool it really is!

If you want to start learning internet marketing but you don’t know where to begin my advice is to start slow!

Don’t try to learn everything all at once because you’re just going to get frustrated and that’s not going to get you anywhere. Start be easing your way into the internet. Find one thing that you want to try and learn that one thing really well. Once you know how to do that and it’s not so intimidating try to learn something else. Soon you’ll be able to do lots of things online and none of it will seem so scary anymore.

Here is a short list of things that an internet marketing newbie could start out with:

A free online blog
Article marketing
Youtube marketing
Facebook marketing
Forum marketing

Any of these things will help you get more business and more free prospects for your business each and every month. Again, you don’t have to learn them all at once just pick one that sounds fun and work on it until you’re confident and comfortable with it.

The internet is a great tool to use for any home business. Don’t miss out on all the money you could be earning. Start learning how to market your business online today.

Friday, February 19, 2010

Why Success Is ALL Mental And How To Get Your Head In The Game!

So very much of business is mental and this could not be more true in anything else more than network marketing. If your head isn’t right you’re not going to make money… PERIOD. However, when your mind is in the right place you will be able to accomplish amazing things.

Here are a few quick tips to help you get your head in the right place to have a ton of success!

#1 Friends and Family don’t know everything!

Listen, I have nothing against your family, friends or spouse. However, sometimes you just have to learn to ignore them! People are way, way, way too concerned with what everyone thinks of them and their business.

No matter what you do there are always going to be people who are going to speak negatively about it. The truth is they probably mean well, but they just don’t know what they don’t know.

If you freak out every time someone you know says something negative about your home based business you’re never going to get any work done.

Simply put… if you want to be successful you have to learn how to block some people out! Don’t let your friends and family cheat you out of living the life of your dreams because of negative talk.

#2 Write all your goals down and LOOK at them!!

Writing down your dreams and goals is just SO important! It’s good to know what you want and have it in your head but writing it down is 100 times better.

When you have your dreams written out where you can physically see them they can help to motivate you in a way that they just won’t if their stuck in your head.

When you write down your goals you have to get specific too. Don’t just say “I want a new car” write down exactly what kind of car you want: make, model, color, everything!

#3 It’s not just about the big stuff, celebrate everything!

It’s really easy to get so bogged down with trying to reach your ultimate goal that you forget all about the mini victories that are happening in your life all the time.

Did you get your first sign up? Victory!

Did you call someone even though you were shaking and nervous? Victory!

By keeping track of each and every small victory that comes your way you’ll feel more successful and keep yourself in a better more positive frame of mind.

If you can master these three things you’ll be well on your way to a more positive and successful home based business. Remember that the key to finding true success working from home isn’t in your product, upline or company. It’s right between your ears!


Thursday, February 18, 2010

Zurvita Featured on CNN

February 11th Zurvita was Featured on full story here: I look forward to answering any questions you may have regarding my company! I have been with Zurvita since Nov of 2001 and I have enjoyed every minute.

Zurvita offers many diverse products designed to enhance everyone's life and business. We offer Health benefits, Power, Natural gas, Cell Phone plans for every major carrier, Tax help, Credit help, Discount shopping and rebates, and our new Local Ad Link Product to help you market your business.

If you are looking to be a part of a fantastic company then you need to read the raving review by CNN on Zurvita then visit and learn more about what Zurvita can do for you!

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

The Difference Between Advertising And Selling In A Home Based Business

In this article I want to talk about the difference between advertising and selling when it comes to your home based business. When you’re on the phone with a prospect or someone who’s interested in your product or service are you really selling them on why they should fork over their hard earned money or are you just advertising what you’re offering and giving up too easily?

Everyone hates a pushy salesperson so obviously I don’t think you should be over the top annoying. However. Sometimes we tend to get intimidated over the phone and at the first sign that our prospect is not interested we just give up. Selling is about finding out what it takes for the person you’re talking to to spend his or her money. If you’re just calling people and giving up at the first sign of disinterest you’re not really selling you’re just advertising. You’re picking up the phone and letting them know what’s out there and then hanging up without even really trying to get to what’s going to make them buy.

If you want to start closing more deals and making more money you’re going to have to stop advertising and start selling. Here are a few tips on how to do that.

1. Listen for their buying signs

If you listen close enough a prospect will tell you what they need in order to buy. Maybe they’ll tell you that they don’t have enough time with their kids, or that they don’t make enough money, maybe they’ll tell you that they hate their job or that they feel unfulfilled. You have to listen to these things because that is what you are going to use to get them to buy your product or sign up for your business. If you’re not paying attention and listening to them you’ll miss these signals and you won’t know how to get them to buy.

2. Listen more than you talk

If you’re talking the entire time you won’t be able to listen for their hot buttons. Also you don’t listen you’ll sound like a pushy sales person. A good conversation with a prospect is just that… a conversation! It should be two sided.

3. Ask for what you want.

If you’re too afraid to ask for them to buy/ sign up they’re never going to do it. You have to ask for what it is that you want. Don’t be afraid to ask them to get out their credit card and sign up right then and there. True, most people won’t do it but you’ll never know unless you ask.

4. Find out why they’re not interested

If someone tells you they’re not interested don’t just leave it at that. Try to find out why they’re not interested and see if there is something you can do to fix it. So if their excuse is money find a time when your company is running a deal and they can get in the business for less money. Listen to their reasoning acknowledge it and see what you can do it fix it.

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Are You Working Smarter Or Harder?? Tips On Working Smarter!

Here’s the thing. If you want to have success you’re going to have to work. But that doesn’t mean you have to work harder than you need to. There are ways that you can work smarter and not harder. These tips won’t make building your business a total walk in the park but they will help you get more done in less time and your bank account will thank you for that!

First of all you want to seriously think about doing business on the internet. It is simple THE BEST way to reach as many people as possible for free! Yes there are ways that you can advertise online that cost money but there are also a lot of ways that are 100% free.

Also, since the internet is always “open” you can work on your business anytime even if it’s not during normal business hours! So if you happen to be up at 2 AM and feel like working you can do it on the internet. If all you’re doing is buying leads and calling prospects you can’t really do that at 2 AM!

Doing things locally is great but nothing beats the internet because you can reach the masses much faster. Why would you want to just reach people in your town when you can reach people in all 50 states or even internationally!

The internet is just a great way to work smarter not harder.

Also, try to do things that you can do one time and they will last for a really long time. So doing online ads is great. However, try doing something like article marketing or video marketing. If you put a video up on Youtube for example it will stay up pretty much forever. That means you can do something one time and get paid for doing it for months and years in the future. That is the definition of working smarter!

Just because you have to work on your business doesn’t mean you shouldn’t work smarter! Start marketing online and learn why it’s the best way possible to build a business in a short period of time for less money.

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

What Can your Kids Teach you About Business

Believe it or not kids can teach you a lot of things about life in general but especially about your home based business. Here are just a few things that your children can teach you about your business….

1. Don’t give up on what you want

Children don’t like to take “no” for an answer. If there is any way humanly possible for them to get what they want they are going to get it. Even if it means making a sacrifice, bargaining, begging, or working with a tunnel vision like intensity until they have what they want.

As adults we could stand to be a little more like that. If you want something in life or in your business why not fight for it? It might not always be easy but it will be worth it.

2. Believe in yourself

Kids have total confidence in themselves. They don’t question their abilities. A child knows that they’re good at and even if they’re not good at something they’ll work on it until they are. I’ve seen little girls stand out in the back yard and try to do a cartwheel for HOURS. They know they can do it and they won’t stop until it’s done.

We question ourselves and our abilities far too much when we grow up. You can do amazing things… all you have to do is believe!

3. They can laugh at themselves

A child knows how to relax, forget about their mistakes and just laugh and be silly. If we could do this more as adults we’d be much happier and much more productive believe it or not!

4. They’re not afraid to ask for what they want

If a child wants something you’d better believe you’re going to hear about it! They don’t like to keep what they want a secret and neither should we. If we were more open about exactly what we wanted from life and if we were willing to actually ask for it we might just get it.

How many times have you been talking to a prospect and instead of working for the close you beat around the bush? If you want someone to be in your business ASK, if you want to close a sale on one of your products, ASK FOR IT. A child would. And that’s why they’d get exactly what they want.