Thursday, March 18, 2010

It is Not That Complicated

What I have found through years and years in the home based business industry is that most people make it way more complicated than it actually is. When you make the business sound complicated people don’t understand it and therefore they don’t want to be a part of it. MLM is really not that complicated and once you look at it in a simplified way it will make it much easier to make money doing it.

MLM, or network marketing, or direct sales or a home based business is just simply marketing a product or service. That’s IT! And as you marketing that product or service you bring other people on to your team who want to market that same product or service. As you build a bigger team you will make more money because one person selling 10 products a month is a little money but 50 people selling 10 products a month is big money.

As you build your team you make money from what you’re doing as well as making money off of what your team is doing.

Think of it this way. If you had a business where you sold t-shirts and you personally went door to door or store to store and sold and many t-shirts as you could in one day it would never be as much money as if you had 100 people out there doing the same thing and selling your t-shirts for you every day. That is all network marketing is, simple huh?

There is a misconception that in MLM you get paid JUST to bring people into the business not true. You bring people into the business but it is only when you get those people working and making money that you really start to make money. So when you help other people get rich you get rich in the process. Sound simple? It is!

MLM might be a lot of things but it’s not complicated. 

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Are You Making Your Home Based Business Fun Enough?

If you are going to be a part of a home based business you’d better make it fun! Are you enjoying your business enough? Yes a business is a serious thing and certainly the money you can make is very, very serious however that doesn’t mean that you have to be all business all the time. That’s one of the best things about working from home.

You can work in your pajamas, you can vacation whenever you want and you can joke around and be silly whenever you want. In fact having fun will actually help your business out a lot! People will be drawn to you and what to do business with you when they see just how exciting and fun working from home can be.

Everything that you do for your business should be fun. And that fun should come across in everything that you do for your business. From the blog posts you write, to the conversations you have with people, to the videos you make it shouldn’t have to be super serious all the time.

Also, making things fun will help to push you to work even when you don’t really feel like it. We all have days when we’d rather not work and we just want to be lazy and stay in bed. But if you can have a good time while making money what better combination could their be? You’ll make more money and you’ll be less stressed out when things don’t go the way you want them to (and trust me that will happen!)

So don’t take yourself or your business too seriously. Start having fun with your business and you’ll be happy that you did!