Monday, December 22, 2008

Choose success

Success is not just something that happens to people it is a choice. Everyone in the world who is successful at one point or another made a very distinct choice to become that way. And here is something not many people are willing to say but…. If you’re NOT successful that’s your choice too.

When I first heard that last part I got really defensive and angry. How could someone tell me my lack of success was my fault?! I was trying the best I could!

Then I started thinking about it and you know what, it’s true. Success is a choice and so is not having success. I don’t know about you… but I’m read to choose success!

Everything in life is really about choices you’ve made. Flunked out of school? You obviously chose not to study. Make $100,000 a year as a doctor? You made a choice too… a choice to succeed in medical school.

It’s not just about money either. Are you overweight? That’s a choice. Have rock hard abs? That’s a choice too.

Do you see what I’m saying now? Everything in life is a choice, and when it comes to your home based business you will either choose to succeed or choose to fail.

When you choose to succeed it means you work on your business even when you don’t feel like it. You develop your skills and go a little out of your comfort zone if you need to. You sacrifice going out to dinner with friends to work on your business or you spend a few dollars on an ebook that will help you develop your skills.

You might not know it at the time but putting off calling leads on the phone one night is choosing to fail. I’m sure you don’t want to fail, after all why would you have signed up in the first place if that was the case. However, that is the choice you’ve made.

This is not to say that you can’t ever hang out with your friends or that if you’ve done things in the past to hurt your business you can’t turn it around because you can. What I am saying however is if you really want to succeed working from home you’d better choose it now or risk a lifetime of lost dreams.

I hope that you have taken this article the way I meant it when I wrote it, to help you! I don’t want to discourage you to bring you down I want to give you everything you need to choose success. I’ve chosen it! What about you?

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