Monday, December 29, 2008

Why know the Why is Important

It can’t be said enough that the key to success in a home based business is all about what your mindset is like. It really is the truth. If you believe you’re going to be successful and you have a positive attitude there isn’t anything you can’t do.

I don’t know where you are in your business as you read this article. You may be new to a home based business, you may have been involved in your business for years, you might not even be in a business at all or just starting to think about working from home.

Wherever you are in the process if you don’t know your “why” STOP! Don’t do anything else for your business, don’t make another call, don’t send another email. Because if you don’t know your “why” I can almost promise you you’re not going to be successful in your business.

That’s a pretty bold statement, but it’s true. You will never win if you don’t know what you’re fighting for.

What do I mean when I say you’re “why”? I mean, WHY are you doing the business? WHY do you want to make money from home? WHY do you want the amazing lifestyle that a home based business offers you? WHY?

Now that you know what your why is let me tell you what it’s NOT. Your why is never money. You might think you are motivated by money but the truth is nobody really is. What you are motivated by is what the money can DO for you and what it can do for your family.

When you’re thinking about your why you’ll want to think about things that make you emotional. Your husband or wife, your kids, your parents, your childhood dreams… things that really hit you hard in the gut.

Now I can’t tell you exactly what your why is for you personally but let me give you some examples of what it is for a lot of people…

Being able to take care of your parents like they took care of you…

Being able to give your children a better like than you had…

Letting your spouse quit his or her job…

Living in the house of your dreams…
Giving more money to your church or a favorite charity….

Waking up every morning and doing exactly what YOU want to do everyday…

Saving for your kid’s college….

Those are just a few examples but I hope it gave you a few good ideas of what a “why” really is.

Here is another hint… you don’t have to have just one. You can have 2, 5, 10 even 20 “whys” as long as they are personal to you and help motivate you, you can have as many as you can think of.

Now that you’ve got your “why” you need to mediate on it every single day, don’t let it slip out of your mind. When you come home from a long day of work and you don’t feel like working on your business simply take a look at your “why” and if it’s strong enough it will push you to work a little harder even when you don’t want to.

There really is NOTHING that will motivate someone to success in this industry more than their “why”. Make sure you have one and make sure it’s a GREAT one.

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