Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Why a Teenager Can Help Your Business

A lot of teenagers want more spending money so they find after schools jobs outside the home they work at grocery or clothing stores or fast food restaurants. So I ask you, if your teenager is looking for a way to make some quick cash why not have them help you with your home based business? That way he or she gets some extra cash and they’ll also help your business grow. Here are a few ways that your teenager can help you build your home based business.

Teenagers are extremely internet savvy. So doing things online can be a great way for them to help you out. Submitting articles can be a daunting task so why not hand it over to your teenager… give them your articles and a list of all the places you need them submitted and have them go after it. This is easy work it’s just maybe not the most fun thing to do. Hey at least it’s better than making French fries!

Another thing they can do for you online is run your Myspace or Facebook page. Send out messages, update the page and answer inquiries. They’ll probably be better at it than you will and it can also be fun.

You can also have the create a blog or blogs for you. You will supply the content after they’ve set it up. You could even email them the blog posts and have them post them for you each week.

Passing out flyers is something else that takes up a lot of time but really isn’t that hard to do. Have some flyers or door hangers made up and have your teenager put them out on cars or homes to drum up more business for you.

Finally you can have your teenager help you with basic organizational things around your home office. Things like filing or organizing your leads can be a big help and allow you to do more business and less busy work.

There are many things that you and your teenager can do together to help your business grow. It will be good for you and good for them. Don’t keep it limited to the things in this article find the things that work best for you and your teenager and have a great time making more money for the both of you!

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