Monday, May 18, 2009

How Much Money Will I have to Spend to Work At Home

If you’re thinking about joining a home based business there are a few questions you’re probably asking yourself. Can I really do this? What will my spouse think? Which business is right for me? And of course… how much money will I have to spend to have success in a home based business?

All of these questions are important and should be thought about but I’d like to focus on the last one. Over time I’ve come across a lot of different people who want to work from home and almost all of them believe that working from home either has to be A) Free or B) extremely expensive. That’s why I’m here to tell you that it’s neither.

Let’s start with the first one because it really is a huge misconception that I want to bust right here and right now. There isn’t a business out there anywhere that you can start and not spend a dime. That my friends is called a JOB and there are plenty of them out there. A business always…. And I stress ALWAYS costs money to start.

You couldn’t open a clothing store or a restaurant without money up front right? Well a home based business is no different. I’ve read many an article saying that if a business asks you for money up front it’s a scam and that’s just so far from the truth it’s unreal. If you don’t invest some money you’re not in a business… period end of story.

They say it takes money to make money and that’s true so after your initial start up costs you may have to spend a little bit of money here and there just on basic marketing needs. Not a fortune but a little here and there.

That brings me to the second misconception. That starting a home based business costs a fortune. If you’re going to start your own business a home based business is the way to go. You won’t find another legitimate business you can start that will be any more cost effective. We’re talking less than $1000 here people. To start a real… honest…. Can make you filthy rich business! It just doesn’t get any better than that!

So in the question of how much money will it cost to make money from home here is my answer… less than $1000 to start (in many cases less than $500) and probably $50 - $100 a month to maintain. Now that’s a life changing opportunity that almost anyone can afford!

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