Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Top Ten Best Forums for Marketers

Forum marketing is a great way to meet other network marketers as well as get the word out about your business to future prospects. The key to getting the most out of forum marketing is knowing where to market. If you’re spending your time on a forum without enough people it can be a huge waste of time. Here is our list of the top 10 best forums for network marketers. You should know that not all of these forums are for network marketing. Many of them are for internet marketing in general.

Also it’s important to remember that if you want to be effective with forum marketing you absolutely can not spam them! People hate spam and that is not what forums are for.

So with all that being said here are the top 10 online forums for network marketers…
1. MLM Forums (http://www.mlmforums.com/) This forum is a good resource for all network marketers. Because it is dedicated specifically to network marketing and MLM you can feel free to discuss your opportunity and learn from others.

2. Internet Marketing Bulletin Board (http://www.internetmarketingbulletinboard.com/) This is a good forum to promote your business on. It can sometimes get slow but a good resource non the less.

3. Home Business Online Forums (http://www.homebusinessonline.com/community/forum/) If you’re in a home based business you should defiantly check this one out!

4. Free Advertising Forum (http://www.freeadvertisingforum.com/) This forum is strictly dedicated to advertising your business. It’s not for chit chatting it’s strictly about the ads.
5. Internet Marketing Forums (http://www.internetmarketingforums.net/) The name pretty much says it all. These forums are dedicated to internet marketing so if you want to learn more about marketing your business online these are a great place to learn and market.
6. Business Know How Forums (http://www.businessknowhow.com/forum/) These forums are defiantly worth spending some time on. They’re not the biggest and the best but they’re a good place to market.
7. Internet Based Moms (http://internetbasedmoms.com/bb/) If you’re a woman who wants to connect with other work at home moms IBM is a great forum to check out. It’s not as busy as some of the others but it has some great information on there and it’s a great place to promote your site!

8. Digital Point Forums (http://forums.digitalpoint.com/) This is a good place to learn about marketing your business online.

9. The Work At Home Mom Forum (http://www.wahm.com/forum/) Obviously if you’re not a mom or more importantly a woman this might not be the forum for you. However, if you are a woman who is or wants to be working from home this is a great resource.

10. The Warrior Forum (http://www.warriorforum.com/) This forum is the best forum for internet marketing that I have come across online. The wealth of information on this forum is overwhelming. So sit back and read as much as you can. This is not a forum specifically for network marketers so keep that in mind when posting.

Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Top 4 Things Your Boss Dosent Want You to Know About Networking

If you have a regular job this could be one of the most important articles you’ll ever read. That’s because I’m about to break down for you the top 4 things your boss doesn’t want you to know about network marketing. If you’re reading this while at work… beware. Your boss would do anything to keep these secrets hidden so listen closely because this article could get taken down at any time!

Secret Number One: Network marketing allows you to get rich with a lot less effort

Don’t get me wrong. Network marketing takes effort. However, it doesn’t take nearly as much effort as working at a job for 10, 20 or 30 years! If you want to make 6 figures and you want to make it while you’re still young enough to enjoy it network marketing is perfect for you.

Secret Number Two: Network marketing allows you to get rich a whole lot faster

I’m sure you’ve heard the speech about how important it is to pay your dues. Work hard enough and long enough and the success will come. Well network marketing allows you to get rich in less time than it takes someone to earn a 4 year degree.

Secret Number Three: Network marketing is so easy anyone can do it

Your boss would love for you to believe that you can’t be successful working from home. However, the truth is that anyone regardless of background or education can be extremely successful. You don’t have to be extra special or any certain type of personality literally anyone can get rich with network marketing if they really want to.

Secret Number Four: Network marketing isn’t a gamble

Your boss would love for you to believe that network marketing is such a big gamble that people would be crazy to take the chance. However, when you learn how to market effectively online and you put in the time and effort network marketing really isn’t a gamble at all.

The truth is that if you are willing to put in the time and effort network marketing really isn’t a gamble at all. At least no more of a gamble than working at a job and trying to climb the corporate ladder.

So now you know the truth. Don’t say we never told you!


Saturday, December 19, 2009

How to Make the Best Youtube Videos for your Business

Video is a powerful medium and it works for huge companies when they advertise during the superbowl and it can work for your home based business on online sites like Youtube. So how do you get the most out of your online videos? Here are a few ways to make better you tube videos and get the most out of online video marketing.

First of all lets talk about length. The perfect Youtube video should be between 3 and 5 minutes. Any shorter and it will seems like you don’t have any value and any longer and people will start to tune out. So no more long 9 minute videos rambling on and on about your business keep it short!

Also, Youtube is not the place to give out all the information about your business. You don’t have to do the entire sales pitch. The main point behind a Youtube video is to get the person interested enough to either pick up and phone and call you or visit a website that will have more detailed information. That’s why you want to keep your videos short and interesting. You don’t want to go into a lot of detail because you can talk about that later. Just peak their interests, that’s enough.

Another good tip is that funny is always good. There are a million videos out there of people sitting in a boring office at a boring desk talking about boring things. If you really want to get peoples attention try to add some humor and craziness to your video that way people will remember you, they might pass your video on and they’ll probably be interested in at least finding out more about you or your business.

The final tip is to use keywords in your description and your title. The keywords will help people to find your videos. There are so many Youtube videos that if you don’t use keywords you might not end up getting very many views. So really do your research before you post your video and use keywords that people will be searching for.

I hope that these tips help you get a lot of views and gain a ton of prospects by using Youtube or any other online video site.

Is Network Marketing A Scam? An Honest Review Of This Controversial Industry

If you have been wanting to work from home for a while you’ve probably taken a good look at network marketing. But what’s hard about trying to get information about this industry is that everyone seems to have very different opinions about network marketing, if it works and if it’s really even legal. So I set out to write an article about the truth about network marketing. There is no sales pitch here and I have no agenda other than letting the truth be out there. So here goes…

Network marketing is a simple and completely legal form of business. It pretty much works like this. You have a product that you market and while you’re doing that you’re also building a team of more people who want to market that product. By building a team of people who are marketing the products for you, they make money and you make money.

This all sounds simple enough so why do so many people believe that network marketing is a scam. I believe it’s for two reasons.

The first reason is that it costs money to get started in almost all network marketing companies. This causes a whole lot of confusion for people who are use to having jobs. A home based business like network marketing is just that… a business. It’s not a job and that’s where the confusion really lies I believe. Jobs don’t cost money to start, but businesses do. So if you are going to be involved in network marketing you need to be aware of the fact that you’re going to be starting your own business.

The second thing that is hard for some people to deal with is that network marketing is almost completely driven by commission. Commissions from the products you sell and commissions from bringing people into the business with you. So if you’re not working you’re not going to make any money. Unlike a job where you can show up, do very little and still get paid. (at least for a while before they fire you! )

So when you combine those two things, the fact that you have to pay to get started and the fact that your success is not guaranteed if you don’t work, people tend to get confused and call it a scam. But it’s really not at all.

In fact if you are looking for a way to make money from home and have an unlimited income there is no better way of doing that then network marketing.