Sunday, August 1, 2010

Turning Your Articles Into Videos… A Good Idea?

If you have a Youtube account and you are currently using video marketing as a part of your online marketing campaign you might from time to time be looking for new content for videos. Video marketing is most effective when you have a lot of content and when you update your Youtube channel often. And if you’re looking for content you might have heard or thought about using some of your articles as content for your videos. But is that really a good idea? Or should articles just stay articles and videos just be videos?

I believe it’s a really good idea and it’s something that I recommend to a lot of people especially if they are having trouble coming up with content for their videos. The good thing about using your articles as videos is that you’re getting the most use out of what you already have. I recommend that people use their articles on article directories, on their own personal blog and also use them as videos. Because if you’re going to go through the trouble of creating a great article you might as well get a lot of use out of it!

Now, before you begin turning all of your articles into videos I would recommend that you not read directly into the camera. Try to take the content of the article and turn it into something that is better for the camera. You can use the same points just don’t hold a paper and read to the camera (seriously, I’ve seen this) you want it to sound like the content is coming directly from you, not a piece of paper and even if you were the one who wrote the article it just doesn’t seem very professional.

Also, use pictures, video, graphics or other things to make the article seem more interesting while you’re giving it to the camera. Looking at the same person talking for several minutes can be a little boring so give them something else to look at if you can… it will hold their attention better.

I believe that turning articles into videos is a great idea just use a little creativity and you’ll have some great marketing videos on your hands!

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