Saturday, November 15, 2008


Dear American Government,

I have a plan. It seems many business have generated an overwhelming amount of debt and have dug themselves a hole they cannot get out of. Now we can go ahead and give them a bunch of money and continue to make execs across the country rich and let the taxpayer pay for it. Or..... lets do this.....

I say we give 200,000,000 million Americans that are over 18 years of age, not in prison, and in this country legally, lets say $200,000.00 dollars a piece. That means 3/4Th of the American population now has a surplus, And we do not want this money to be tax free so lets assume a 30% tax rate so each American has $140,000.00 in their pocket. That money will go to payoff credit card debt. (solve the credit crunch) pay off a mortgage or allow people to buy a home ( $190,000.00 average price today) that will fix the mortgage crisis, many will buy new cars, new computers, flat panel TVs, new furniture, and so on. That will create jobs (lower the unemployment rate) stop the rise of inflation.  I am sure people would put some money back into savings accounts giving banks money to support entrepreneurs again creating more jobs. 
 Now if you have 200 million Americans debt free, some money in savings, working, now having more of their paycheck in their pockets to keep, that would again make for a "rich" economy and stimulate our country's growth all for: $40 billion.... ah wait, I forget less taxes....$28 billion! With 12 billion going back into the govenment coffers.
 Now provided I have my math correct does that not sound like a better plan? Guess what? The CEO's still get rich, the government does not rack up huge debt,  well more huge debt and the American public actually gets the relief it needs and not just the few!

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