Saturday, November 15, 2008

Choosing the right path

So we all have to be excoted about something right? Some its a new toy, car, computer, my new camera! For some its politics or animal rights. But these days it seems like you just cant get enough of one thing or another. Elections, gas prices, Lindsay Lohan getting flour thrown on her new fur sorry that is actually kinda funny :) sorry Lindsay...but it was! 
 Me I am excited about finding a better way to earn alot of money, I have benn working forever it seems and certianly no longer than you or others but it does bring to mind the saying "what is the definition of insanity? To do the same thing everyday and expect a different result!" so if we are all working 40 hours, 50 hours a week together just like our parents did and so on and so forth, and we all have the same headaches and challanges, and we all wish we could find something different and better but tomorrow we wake up and all do the same thing.....wait! Are we insane? Sounds like it to me.
 Well I want out! In that spirit and with the passion of knowing that I share the bond I wish for something better (or even just more money) I propose a quick video lesson watch and enjoy I know I did!

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