Friday, August 6, 2010

Is Network Marketing The Perfect Type Of Business?

Ask 100 totally random people what they think about network marketing and you’ll get a pretty mixed reaction. While some people will hate it and tell you it’s a scam a lot of people won’t know very much about it at all. There will be people who are totally neutral on the subject (though there aren’t a TON of those) and there will be the people who have experienced the magic of network marketing and claim that it’s the perfect type of business… but is it?

Well network marketing isn’t perfect. The people aren’t perfect, and the businesses aren’t perfect. But network marketing it’s self is just about as close to the perfect business model as you can get. I’ll show you what I mean…

Imagine your job. Now imagine that you got paid for everything you did at your job… you brought the company a new source of income? You got a raise. You did a good job bringing in new clients? You got a raise. That sounds pretty standard right?

Now imagine that you were connected to every other person who works in your office. And imagine that you got paid based on what you did to help the company and you also got paid based on what the other people you worked with did to help the company. When the team is doing great numbers and succeeding you were succeeding. And when the team needed a push you were all there to support each other and fix whatever problem there might be because when the team was doing well you all were doing well.

Sounds awesome right?

Well that’s exactly what network marketing is. You’re getting paid for your success and the success of others. Unlike what a lot of people might believe network marketing isn’t about stepping on other people to get what you want. It’s about helping the team as a whole because the more successful your team is the more successful you ALL are! Everybody is a winner and that’s what’s so great about network marketing. You get the pay off for everything that you do and you get a little bit from everyone else.

Network marketing is pretty darn simple when you think of it that way. And it might just be the perfect business type.

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

I Don’t Know How To Start Marketing My Business Online!

The internet is a world all it’s own. It has created new job possibilities for lots of people and it’s also revolutionized the way that traditional businesses operate. However, many home based business owners still tend to shy away from online marketing.

Why this is I’m not exactly sure but I have a feeling that for a lot of people it is simply that they don’t know where to start. So many network marketers have gotten use to the idea of marketing in their local area that they forget about the internet and how advantageous it can be.

The internet brings the world to you. You can literally market your business to people all over the country as well as overseas it just gives you a much larger pool to draw from. You can market to anyone who has a computer and these days that’s just about anyone.

So if you’re like a lot of network marketers and you don’t know how to get started marketing your business online here are three simple things that you can do to get started.

1. Article Marketing – Article marketing works for every type of online business not just network marketing. Article marketing allows you to be the expert in whatever you want to talk about. Then once your article is written you can submit it to free online article directories and boom! It’s up there for millions of people to read and gain knowledge from.

Article marketing works because it gives people the main thing they come on the internet for… information. Provide someone with free in formation and they’re gonna love you for it. Combine that with putting your blog or website at the bottom of the article and your guaranteed more traffic to your website.

This is important because no matter how great your website is it’s not doing you any good if lots of people aren’t going to it every single day. So anything that increases traffic is a good thing online.

2. Blogging -  Blogging is very similar to article marketing but instead of posting your articles on article directories you post them on your very own blog. You can blog about any topic (obviously it helps if the topic has something to do with your business) and your blog posts can be as formal or as casual as you want. It’s your blog so you get to set the tone.

A blog is a great place to say what you want to say. It’s YOUR BLOG so you’re not going to be edited or muffled. It’s your platform to get your voice and your message out there. A blog can also be a terrific way to increase website traffic and get a ton of new prospects.

3. Free Classifieds – If you’re a network marketer you’ve probably thought about placing an add in your local newspaper. Well, online free classifieds are just like that only they’re generally more effective and instead of spending hundreds of dollars you’re not spending a dime! There are a lot of free classified sites but and are the most popular and will get you the best results.

Monday, August 2, 2010

How Do You Know If Someone Will Be Good In A Home Based Business?

One of the things that I have gotten asked is how you can know if someone is going to be good in network marketing or not. Obviously you don’t want to waste your time with a prospect if they aren’t cut out for this type of business and you don’t want to look over someone who could be a network marketing rock star… so how can you tell if someone is going to be good or not?

Unfortunately there isn’t a way to know if someone will be good or bad in any home based business. That is because it all really comes down to a few things. The first thing is how much do they want it. It’s one thing to sort of want to make more money from home and it’s another to really WANT it! If you have an intense desire to succeed in a home based business chances are you will be willing to take the extra steps needed to become really successful. Some people will claim that they want it really bad but their actions will show that they don’t.
So it’s really up to them. If they don’t have a desire that is strong enough they won’t do as well as someone who really wants it.

A lot of people don’t realize that personality actually has very little to do with being successful. While a lot of people see someone with a big outgoing personality and think they would be great in a home based business that is actually not always the case. Personality matters a lot less than other things like desire and passion and motivation. You could give me the option of having 10 really loud, outgoing type A personalities on my team or having 1 or 2 people who might be more shy but have a really strong desire for success and I would take the motivated people all day long.

There is no way of knowing who will be good in a home based business and who won’t. So don’t ever look over anybody and don’t count anyone out because you never know who your next big money maker is going to be. 

Sunday, August 1, 2010

Turning Your Articles Into Videos… A Good Idea?

If you have a Youtube account and you are currently using video marketing as a part of your online marketing campaign you might from time to time be looking for new content for videos. Video marketing is most effective when you have a lot of content and when you update your Youtube channel often. And if you’re looking for content you might have heard or thought about using some of your articles as content for your videos. But is that really a good idea? Or should articles just stay articles and videos just be videos?

I believe it’s a really good idea and it’s something that I recommend to a lot of people especially if they are having trouble coming up with content for their videos. The good thing about using your articles as videos is that you’re getting the most use out of what you already have. I recommend that people use their articles on article directories, on their own personal blog and also use them as videos. Because if you’re going to go through the trouble of creating a great article you might as well get a lot of use out of it!

Now, before you begin turning all of your articles into videos I would recommend that you not read directly into the camera. Try to take the content of the article and turn it into something that is better for the camera. You can use the same points just don’t hold a paper and read to the camera (seriously, I’ve seen this) you want it to sound like the content is coming directly from you, not a piece of paper and even if you were the one who wrote the article it just doesn’t seem very professional.

Also, use pictures, video, graphics or other things to make the article seem more interesting while you’re giving it to the camera. Looking at the same person talking for several minutes can be a little boring so give them something else to look at if you can… it will hold their attention better.

I believe that turning articles into videos is a great idea just use a little creativity and you’ll have some great marketing videos on your hands!