Ask 100 totally random people what they think about network marketing and you’ll get a pretty mixed reaction. While some people will hate it and tell you it’s a scam a lot of people won’t know very much about it at all. There will be people who are totally neutral on the subject (though there aren’t a TON of those) and there will be the people who have experienced the magic of network marketing and claim that it’s the perfect type of business… but is it?
Well network marketing isn’t perfect. The people aren’t perfect, and the businesses aren’t perfect. But network marketing it’s self is just about as close to the perfect business model as you can get. I’ll show you what I mean…
Imagine your job. Now imagine that you got paid for everything you did at your job… you brought the company a new source of income? You got a raise. You did a good job bringing in new clients? You got a raise. That sounds pretty standard right?
Now imagine that you were connected to every other person who works in your office. And imagine that you got paid based on what you did to help the company and you also got paid based on what the other people you worked with did to help the company. When the team is doing great numbers and succeeding you were succeeding. And when the team needed a push you were all there to support each other and fix whatever problem there might be because when the team was doing well you all were doing well.
Sounds awesome right?
Well that’s exactly what network marketing is. You’re getting paid for your success and the success of others. Unlike what a lot of people might believe network marketing isn’t about stepping on other people to get what you want. It’s about helping the team as a whole because the more successful your team is the more successful you ALL are! Everybody is a winner and that’s what’s so great about network marketing. You get the pay off for everything that you do and you get a little bit from everyone else.
Network marketing is pretty darn simple when you think of it that way. And it might just be the perfect business type.