Sunday, August 9, 2015

How to build a successful company online

Many people go about starting a network marketing company all wrong. The first thing they do is to tell all their friends and family, does the full court press on everyone they see. Which, is admirable, and eventually you will get around to talking to all these people if you are doing your business correctly. However, those are not the things you should be doing first.
Be excited! Yes, I promote the heck out of that. There is no feeling like the excitement of starting a new business and the hope that you are about to embark on a project that will not only lead you to meeting new people and making new relationships, but it is time to make more money!  BE excited and passionate about your new career.
Okay, what should you do first if not to run around and annoy the world on social media every five minutes, making your friends terrified of answering their phones?  Many people get super excited and blow up their Facebook™ and other social media, call and text all their family and friends. But…you need to learn your business, products, and compensation plan top to bottom BEFORE you talk to anyone. I know some of you are saying duh…however, most people start a home based business and know absolutely nothing about the business they are in other than what they heard from the person who recruited them line for line.  This is not going to work for the average person and eventually you will become unmotivated because you are not recruiting or making sales. People know when they are being snowed and people will be able to see when you are just repeating what you heard instead of speaking from authority. So first thing first: read, study, take notes, watch all the videos, and talk to not only the person who recruited you, but who brought them into the company.

  Knowledge is power, I know you have heard this before but it is true. When you know what you are talking about and you start talking with your prospects, with knowledge you will have a natural confidence in your posture and in your tone. People will feel this radiating off of you and will pay more attention to what you have to say.  Okay, so first is knowledge, know what the heck you are going to say and how to say it. Second, hop on You Tube™ and listen to people like Gary Vaynerchuk, this person in my opinion is one of the best educational and motivational speakers today. I also recommend Admiral McRaven’s speech that he does at the University of Texas graduation. Personally I listen to that speech every few months just to realign my head; it is an amazing speech that will change your life in ten minutes. Finally I know your company has produced webinars and You Tube™ videos, watch listen and learn. Then apply what the leaders of your companies are telling you! Chances are they are making excellent money and enjoying a healthy business and lifestyle. Do not try to reinvent the wheel. It works already! Learn and do, so when you are a rock star in the industry, you can teach others how you got it done, until then….follow the leader!

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