Monday, December 29, 2008

Why know the Why is Important

It can’t be said enough that the key to success in a home based business is all about what your mindset is like. It really is the truth. If you believe you’re going to be successful and you have a positive attitude there isn’t anything you can’t do.

I don’t know where you are in your business as you read this article. You may be new to a home based business, you may have been involved in your business for years, you might not even be in a business at all or just starting to think about working from home.

Wherever you are in the process if you don’t know your “why” STOP! Don’t do anything else for your business, don’t make another call, don’t send another email. Because if you don’t know your “why” I can almost promise you you’re not going to be successful in your business.

That’s a pretty bold statement, but it’s true. You will never win if you don’t know what you’re fighting for.

What do I mean when I say you’re “why”? I mean, WHY are you doing the business? WHY do you want to make money from home? WHY do you want the amazing lifestyle that a home based business offers you? WHY?

Now that you know what your why is let me tell you what it’s NOT. Your why is never money. You might think you are motivated by money but the truth is nobody really is. What you are motivated by is what the money can DO for you and what it can do for your family.

When you’re thinking about your why you’ll want to think about things that make you emotional. Your husband or wife, your kids, your parents, your childhood dreams… things that really hit you hard in the gut.

Now I can’t tell you exactly what your why is for you personally but let me give you some examples of what it is for a lot of people…

Being able to take care of your parents like they took care of you…

Being able to give your children a better like than you had…

Letting your spouse quit his or her job…

Living in the house of your dreams…
Giving more money to your church or a favorite charity….

Waking up every morning and doing exactly what YOU want to do everyday…

Saving for your kid’s college….

Those are just a few examples but I hope it gave you a few good ideas of what a “why” really is.

Here is another hint… you don’t have to have just one. You can have 2, 5, 10 even 20 “whys” as long as they are personal to you and help motivate you, you can have as many as you can think of.

Now that you’ve got your “why” you need to mediate on it every single day, don’t let it slip out of your mind. When you come home from a long day of work and you don’t feel like working on your business simply take a look at your “why” and if it’s strong enough it will push you to work a little harder even when you don’t want to.

There really is NOTHING that will motivate someone to success in this industry more than their “why”. Make sure you have one and make sure it’s a GREAT one.

Sunday, December 28, 2008

Taking a Business Risk...or is it?

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Financially Independant....or boke? Choice is yours

It is a sad but true fact that by the time people reach their “golden years” people are either dead, dead broke or financially independent.

Now I would hope that you wouldn’t want to be dead, I’ve yet to run across someone who thinks this is the best option.

So it really just comes down to two big choices: dead broke or financially free.

A few decades ago you could work hard all your life and at the end of it all retire with a nice amount of money to show for your years and years of effort. Sadly, for many people this is no longer the case.

If you don’t believe me take a look around at how many people in their 50’s 60’s and even 70’s are still working to this day. Some of them have retired and realized they don’t have enough money to stay retired and some of them haven’t been able to afford to retire at all!

I don’t know about you but I do not plan on working well into my golden years. I want to retire and more than that, I want to retire and actually have the money to live the way I want to live.

If that sounds like what you want you’ll probably want to be one of the few people in America today who are financially independent. So how do you get that way? For me it’s with the help of a home based business.

Residual income is the thing that will allow you to work hard for a few years and be able to retire and retire in a big way. That’s because residual income is income that lasts virtually forever!

You can’t get residual income on a job and a lot of people can’t even get their head around the concept. However, once you do discover it’s power you’ll never ever worry about your financial future again!

So there are your options: dead, dead broke or financially free! Freedom with the help of a home based business is real, don’t wait until you’re ready to retire to discover it’s power start right now!

Monday, December 22, 2008

More confidence in your phone voice

When you’re talking to a prospect over the phone it’s extremely important that you speak to them with confidence. Just because you’re on the phone and not in person doesn’t mean people can’t tell when you’re unsure of yourself.

Here are 5 ways to convey more confidence over the phone.

#1 Sit up straight

Believe it or not how you sit can effect how you sound on the phone. When you sit up straight in your chair just as you would if you were speaking to someone in person you will sound more confident and sure of yourself.

#2 Smile

This is a big one! If you don’t believe me try talking to a friend in another room. Once while smiling and once without. I guarantee you your friend will be able to tell you which is which. You might feel just a little silly but believe me it works!

#3 Avoid nervous laughter

This was a big one for me. Everyone can tell the difference between genuine laughter and nervous laughter… everyone. When you don’t avoid nervous laughter you won’t emit any kind of confidence and the person on the other end of the line will get the idea that you don’t know what your talking about or you’re not really sure about your business.

Do not ruin a perfectly good business call by laughing out of nerves. You might think it’s nothing but it really can ruin your credibility over the phone.

#4 Keep eye contact with something

I know, I know it sounds really silly and pointless. I guess you’ll just have to take my word for it. But keeping eye contact on a specific spot. Just like you would look someone in the eye in person can really help how you come off over the phone.

Find a spot on the wall or put up a poster if you need to, just maintain “eye” contact and you will sound much more professional and confident.

#5 Talk slowly and with a purpose

Talking quickly is one of the first signs someone is nervous. No I’m not saying you should… slow…. down… until… it… gets… annoying. Just don’t start speaking faster than you normally would.

Choose your words carefully and speak with authority. Don’t use words like “um” and “uh” if you don’t know what to say take a beat and start when you’re ready..

By following these simple tips you will convey a comfortable and confident business man or woman and you’ll start to sound more like the type of person that everyone would want to be in business with.

Choose success

Success is not just something that happens to people it is a choice. Everyone in the world who is successful at one point or another made a very distinct choice to become that way. And here is something not many people are willing to say but…. If you’re NOT successful that’s your choice too.

When I first heard that last part I got really defensive and angry. How could someone tell me my lack of success was my fault?! I was trying the best I could!

Then I started thinking about it and you know what, it’s true. Success is a choice and so is not having success. I don’t know about you… but I’m read to choose success!

Everything in life is really about choices you’ve made. Flunked out of school? You obviously chose not to study. Make $100,000 a year as a doctor? You made a choice too… a choice to succeed in medical school.

It’s not just about money either. Are you overweight? That’s a choice. Have rock hard abs? That’s a choice too.

Do you see what I’m saying now? Everything in life is a choice, and when it comes to your home based business you will either choose to succeed or choose to fail.

When you choose to succeed it means you work on your business even when you don’t feel like it. You develop your skills and go a little out of your comfort zone if you need to. You sacrifice going out to dinner with friends to work on your business or you spend a few dollars on an ebook that will help you develop your skills.

You might not know it at the time but putting off calling leads on the phone one night is choosing to fail. I’m sure you don’t want to fail, after all why would you have signed up in the first place if that was the case. However, that is the choice you’ve made.

This is not to say that you can’t ever hang out with your friends or that if you’ve done things in the past to hurt your business you can’t turn it around because you can. What I am saying however is if you really want to succeed working from home you’d better choose it now or risk a lifetime of lost dreams.

I hope that you have taken this article the way I meant it when I wrote it, to help you! I don’t want to discourage you to bring you down I want to give you everything you need to choose success. I’ve chosen it! What about you?

Thursday, December 18, 2008

Put in the Time to be Rich

If you’re in a home based business you’ve probably asked yourself… what’s the key to huge results working from home?

There are a lot of things that contribute to a person’s success however, nothing can be better for your paycheck than good old fashioned hard work!

Hard work seems to be a concept that’s a little lost on home based business owners today. We want everything fast and easy. Why cook something in an oven when you can cook it in a microwave right?

Let me tell you something… there is no microwave equivalent to success in a home based business!

Companies that promise you huge money with zero or little effort are either lying to you or scamming you because nothing that is that good comes without effort.

It just amazes me how many people expect to make 6 figures overnight and without any effort at all! I don’ t mean to be rude but… how can you possibly think that?

Everything in life that is worth anything takes some time and effort, and the better it is there is a good chance the more effort it will take. I don’t want to get you down or discourage you. I just want to be honest with you.

If you want to make 6 figures in your home based business in the next couple of years I want to encourage you because it can happen! However the faster you want it the harder you’re probably going to have to work to achieve it.

Think about it this way… if home based business success was easy everyone would be working from home and filthy stinking rich!

Big time success and a huge income is always the result of hard work and consistent effort. No matter how silly your product is (and we hope you have a good one) or how little you know about business anything can be overcome with hard work!

So start putting in that much extra effort and your success will be one the way that much faster. No one can stop someone who has a goal in mind and is willing to work hard to achieve it!

Monday, December 15, 2008

Is it possible to grow my business with Article Marketing

If you are a home based business owner you’re probably always looking for new ways to market your business right?


            One of the most popular methods for marketing a home based business is through article marketing. If you are not familiar with the concept of article marketing, oh wait, you’re reading one right now… hmm so I guess you DO know what it is!


            Article marketing works for several different reasons. First of all it allows you to address certain issues that a prospect might be having trouble with. Like “is this one of those pyramid things” or “Can I really make money with Network Marketing?”


            All you have to do is write an article about that particular issue and it’s out there for all of cyber space to find and read.


            The other reason article marketing works is it makes you an instant expert on the issue.  There is a certain amount of credibility that goes along with being the author of an article even if it’s just on the internet and not a newspaper or a magazine.


            For these two reasons home business owners have been using article marketing to grow their business for years! Oh and just in case you are not yet convinced that it really is a great way to market check this out… it’s free!


            That might just be the best part about article marketing online. It doesn’t cost you a thing! While traditional methods of marketing in print say in magazine or newspaper ads can cost a ton online article marketing is absolutely free.


            Even if you aren’t a professional writer you can have lots and lots of success with article marketing. Of course if you don’t have the time or the will to write articles, and yes they can be fairly time consuming, there are plenty of PLR or private label rights article websites that will write your articles for you for a small fee. There really is no reason for any home business owner not to be doing this!


            Another great thing about article marketing is that it will get you in the search engines like yahoo, google or MSN pretty quickly and that means that when people are online looking for a home based business opportunity they can find your article and therefore find you!


            Article marketing is simply a great way to let even more people know about your home based business, and that means more money and success for you!



Sunday, December 7, 2008

9 Steps to succeed online in business

1. Determine your goals for your website. How will you drive traffic to your website Plan for this up front, while developing your website. If search engines are important to you, then proceed to step 2.

          2. Allocate a budget to online marketing and search engines. It’s as important as what you spend for designing and hosting your website. The budget you set will instruct these further steps you should take:

          3. Optimize your website during design to perform well in search engines. Make sure it contains the correct density of keywords important in searches.

          4. Make a commitment to keep your content fresh. Augment content as frequently as practicable, because search engines reward rich content.

          5. Devote resources (your time or the money to hire others) to actively work on search engine placement. Monitor your ranking weekly or monthly in the major search engines for key search terms; this can be done manually or you can utilize automated software to produce a monthly or weekly ranking report.

           Even if you plan to focus on free “organic” rankings, plan to set up Pay-Per-Click accounts at Google and Yahoo. All companies that want traffic from search engines should consider PPC a basic cost, as essential as paying your monthly hosting bill.

          The budget can be as little as $20 a month … or much more, depending upon how aggressive you want to be.

          6. Promote links to your website from your trading partners, in directories, through reciprocal links and discrete paid placements. “Link popularity” is highly important to search engine rankings.

          Monitor who links to you, and also who links to your competitors. Get as many links coming into your website as possible. Use viral marketing strategies, like posts or links from forums, bulletin boards, social websites like myspace and more.

          7. Install a good statistics package. And review it frequently so you know what is happening with your website. Statistics will tell you if you are successful in getting people to your website.

          If you are having success in traffic but realizing few sales, that means you need to work on your “conversion” of website visitors by improving your products or improving the functionality and usability of your website..

8. Periodically measure progress in ranking and make adjustments to keywords and content as part of a regular maintenance program - at least monthly.

9. Submit your site URL to as many free sites as possible. Self-promote yourself by writing articles, placing ads on bulletin boards, e-zines, group sites etc.


Thursday, December 4, 2008

Have you seen this writing website

To be an author has always been my dream and I love the thought of this website and hopefully I can publish here take a look

Saturday, November 29, 2008

Personal Growth and Home Success

          There are two types of people who are involved in home based businesses. Those who are looking for a little bit of success like $500 - $1000 a month and those who are looking for life changing MASSIVE success. If that’s the kind of success you want from your home based business keep on readying because we’re going to be going over what you’ll need to have in order to attain MASSIVE home business success!


          #1 – A business you can believe in!


          There are so many different home based businesses out there and if you really want to be successful you’ll need to find the one that’s right for you. Sometimes you can be a part of a great company but if it’s not the company that’s right for you with a product and a business plan that you can believe in you probably won’t be as successful as you could be.


          Do your research before you decide on a home based business, find the one that’s truly right for you and you’ll find success much faster.


          #2 – Someone who truly believes in you


          If you want to have MASSIVE success you have to have a team of people around you who are going to support you and lead you on to success.  That person can be the guy who brought you into the business, your husband or wife, your best friend, or a friend in the business. Whoever it is make sure they have faith in you and are willing to support you 100%.


          You’re going to need that support because there will be days when you don’t feel like working your business or you just need a little extra motivation. When that time comes having those positive people around you will really pay off.


          #3 – Have your goals written out


          It’s not enough just to know what you want in your head, you have to have them written out. Make a list of all of your goals bother business and otherwise and write down the dates that you plan to achieve each and every goal. Having goals will keep you on track and allow you to track your success.


          #4 – Dream the impossible!


          The people who make the most money in a home based business are the people who have the biggest dreams. So many times we stop ourselves for going for the things that we really want because we believe they can’t be attained. Figure out what it is that you REALLY want and go for it!


          The main difference between a little success and MASSIVE success is how far you are willing to let yourself dream. Even if you think it’s “Crazy” or it can’t be done. Dream it anyway. Never limit yourself because you can do amazing things, and a home based business will help you get there!


          MASSIVE home business success really isn’t that hard to find, just dream the impossible, tack and maintain your goals, have great people around you and find the right business for you and you’re on your way to doing great things in your home business.





Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Nikon D80

I have a fun new camera that my wonderful girl bought for me! I am very excited and cant wait to post a bunch of pictures! How much fun right? :) Sorry in advance for any .....bad pics :) Remember I am new at this! Oh by the way always looking for advice as well

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

The situation at hand

Dear American Government,

I have a plan. It seems many business have generated an overwhelming amount of debt and have dug themselves a hole they cannot get out of. Now we can go ahead and give them a bunch of money and continue to make execs across the country rich and let the taxpayer pay for it. Or..... lets do this.....

I say we give 200,000,000 million Americans that are over 18 years of age, not in prison, and in this country legally, lets say $200,000.00 dollars a piece. That means 3/4Th of the American population now has a surplus, And we do not want this money to be tax free so lets assume a 30% tax rate so each American has $140,000.00 in their pocket. That money will go to payoff credit card debt. (solve the credit crunch) pay off a mortgage or allow people to buy a home ( $190,000.00 average price today) that will fix the mortgCheck Spellingage crisis, many will buy new cars, new computers, flat panel TVs, new furniture, and so on. That will create jobs (lower the unemployment rate) stop the rise of inflation.  I am sure people would put some money back into savings accounts giving banks money to support entrepreneurs again creating more jobs. 
 Now if you have 200 million Americans debt free, some money in savings, working, now having more of their paycheck in their pockets to keep, that would again make for a "rich" economy and stimulate our country's growth all for: $40 billion.... ah wait, I forget less taxes....$28 billion! With 12 billion going back into the govenment coffers.
 Now provided I have my math correct does that not sound like a better plan? Guess what? The CEO's still get rich, the government does not rack up huge debt,  well more huge debt and the American public actually gets the relief it needs and not just the few!

Paris Hilton :)

How To Be The Paris Hilton Of MLM… And We Mean That In A Good Way!



          What do highly successful home based business owners, people who make 6 and even 7 figures from home and tabloid Heiress Paris Hilton have in common? Actually it’s more than you think.


          See, you might think Paris Hilton is an air headed, non talented, media leach. However, before you think too negatively of this tabloid mainstay I challenge you to read the rest of this article and I’ll explain to you how becoming more like Paris Hilton can make you a TON of money in your home based business!


          Rule Number 1: Brand Yourself


          Love her, hate her, you just can’t ignore her and for Paris Hilton IT WORKS! One thing that very few network marketers ever do is find a niche and brand themselves as the experts in that particular area.


          Most network marketers want to go after EVERYONE when they market. However, what works best for the smartest marketers is choosing a small area or niche and then making sure everyone knows they are the experts in that particular area.


          Find a niche that you can relate to like “Texas Stay at Home Moms” and brand yourself to be the expert. So that people know when they are looking to become a stay at home mom in Texas YOU are the one to go to.


          Paris has done an excellent job of branding herself as the queen of the “Party Girls” Clubs all over the country pay her thousands upon thousands of dollars just to go to their spot and party… WHY? Because she has branded herself as an expert. See the similarity.


          People know if they want their club to seem like it’s really hot and happening they book Paris, and by branding yourself as an expert in your niche and then marketing yourself that way people will know that if they want to be a part of your particular business YOU are the person to go to. This makes you the HUNTED not the HUNTER people will literally be TRACKING YOU DOWN! How good does that sound?!


          Rule Number 2: Don’t Be Shy!


          When Paris Hilton is in the building believe me… people KNOW IT! Likewise, when you are in a home based business people need to know it. Don’t be a “secret agent” someone who is a part of a business but never talks about it to anyone they know.


          If you want people to be interested in your business… you have to let them know about it. You don’t have to go shouting it from the rooftops but you do have to put it out there as much as you can, they do call it network MARKETING after all. So go out there and market yourself!


          Paris has her own, clothing line, perfume, tv show, CD’s and a whole lot more.  She is a MASTER MARKTER and to be truly successful in any home based business that’s what you will have to become. So don’t be shy, be confident in your business. Chances are more people will be open to it than you think.


          Rule Number 3: Ignore What Negative People Say!


          Listen close because this one is a biggie! If you really want to be successful you have GOT to stop listening to the negative people in your life. Paris Hilton gets negative comments thrown at her by the droves every single day, and yet she has created an empire for herself.


          Look, negative people are everywhere and they will stop at nothing to steal your joy and your dreams…. DON’T LET THEM! Stand by what you believe in, keep on working and have the last laugh by having a huge amount of success.


          You have two choices: do nothing and let the “Negative Nellys” of this work be right, or work hard, make money and prove them wrong! The choice is really up to you!


          Bottom line, I’m not telling you to be just like Paris Hilton in every way. However, I hope that I’ve proved my point and you now see that by marketing yourself in a smarter savvier way you can start to have success sooner rather than later… and “that’s hot”.


Saturday, November 15, 2008

Give it a try

Every year millions of people think about becoming a part of a home based business or working from home in some way. However of those millions very few will ever actually do it. Why? Because for many people their belief system just isn’t high enough.


Oh sure they would LIKE to make money from home, spend more time with their kids or their spouses. They’d LIKE to live in the house of their dreams or drive a nicer car but they don’t believe in themselves or a company enough to ever actually do it.


Let me let you in on a little secret. If you want success… and I mean TRUE success in a home based business you simply have to BELIEVE! Believe in what exactly? Well it’s really a few different things.


Number one you have to believe in yourself. This is the number one most important thing in ANY home based business. If you don’t believe in yourself you won’t have success… PERIOD. I know that sounds harsh but it’s simply the truth. When you believe in yourself you can do amazing things, things that most people could never imagine.


Henry Ford once said “If you think you can, you’re right. If you think you can’t, you’re right.”


It really is all up to you!


Along with belief in yourself you also have to have a strong belief in your industry. While so many people think about starting a home based business every year very few people really believe that it’s even possible to make money from home in a network marketing business.


Regardless of what your friends, parents, or co-workers say… NETWORK MARKETING WORKS! Yes, there are bad companies out there and no, you won’t get rich overnight. However network marketing as a business model works and can create HUGE incomes for people who are willing to put in the effort.


If you join a home based business with the mindset that it’s going to fail guess what… IT’S GOING TO FAIL! Just like you have to believe in yourself you have to believe in the network marketing industry as a whole! When you work for it, it WILL work for you!


If you’re having a hard time getting your head around the idea of network marketing as a profitable business model think of your job now. It’s probably structured just like a network marketing company.


First there is you… and then your boss… and then your boss’s boss… and then the person above them and so on. Sounds like a pyramid right?


Now is your job a scam? Of course not, but it is structured just like a traditional home based business. The only difference is that as a regular employee you don’t get to choose when you get a raise, when you go on vacation, where you work or how hard you work. In a home based business all those choices are yours! Instead of building wealth for someone else you are building wealth for you!


Finally you have belief in your company and product. That is why choosing your company is so important. You have to find a company you believe in and a product that you can market and be proud of.


So many people join a business and never pay any attention to what they are actually marketing. They then find out that the product isn’t any good and they can’t market it to anyone, then they become discouraged and soon after they quit.


To avoid all of this frustration you need to find a company and a product that you can be truly proud of. When you do this marketing will be much, much easier and the money will come.


When you believe in yourself, the industry and your company you will have the winning recipe to have true success working from home. 


Dear American Government,

I have a plan. It seems many business have generated an overwhelming amount of debt and have dug themselves a hole they cannot get out of. Now we can go ahead and give them a bunch of money and continue to make execs across the country rich and let the taxpayer pay for it. Or..... lets do this.....

I say we give 200,000,000 million Americans that are over 18 years of age, not in prison, and in this country legally, lets say $200,000.00 dollars a piece. That means 3/4Th of the American population now has a surplus, And we do not want this money to be tax free so lets assume a 30% tax rate so each American has $140,000.00 in their pocket. That money will go to payoff credit card debt. (solve the credit crunch) pay off a mortgage or allow people to buy a home ( $190,000.00 average price today) that will fix the mortgage crisis, many will buy new cars, new computers, flat panel TVs, new furniture, and so on. That will create jobs (lower the unemployment rate) stop the rise of inflation.  I am sure people would put some money back into savings accounts giving banks money to support entrepreneurs again creating more jobs. 
 Now if you have 200 million Americans debt free, some money in savings, working, now having more of their paycheck in their pockets to keep, that would again make for a "rich" economy and stimulate our country's growth all for: $40 billion.... ah wait, I forget less taxes....$28 billion! With 12 billion going back into the govenment coffers.
 Now provided I have my math correct does that not sound like a better plan? Guess what? The CEO's still get rich, the government does not rack up huge debt,  well more huge debt and the American public actually gets the relief it needs and not just the few!

The Ranger Creed

To many times we forget that many of our friends, neighbors and family are overseas doing a job that is to tough to handle. I have a friend who is an Army Ranger and he is definatley doing one of the toughest jobs in America today. Rangers eat breathe and live by  a creed. I thought in honor of him that I would post it here for all to see and inspire someone to reach out to any serivce memeber and let them know you appreciate them for all they are doing and that we have not forgotten them half way around the world most of these people have been away from their families for over a year and a half.....thats a long long time to be away from everything and everyone. Get in contact with the and send a service member a DVD, Magazine, Non-perishable food, or even just a letter. It would be appreciated more than you know!

Recognizing that I volunteered as a Ranger,fully knowing the hazards of my profession, I will always endeavor to uphold the prestige, honor,and high "espirit de corps" of the Rangers. 
Acknowledging the fact that a Ranger is a more elite soldier who arrives at the cutting edge of a battle by land,sea or air, I accept the fact as a Ranger, my country expects me to move farther, faster, and fight harder than any other soldier. 
Never shall I ever fail my comrades. I will always keep myself mentally alert, physically strong, and morally straight and I will shoulder more than my share of the task, whatever it may be. One hundred percent and than some. 
Gallently will I show the world that I am a specialy selected and well trained soldier. My courtesy to superiors, my neatness of dress, and my care of my equiptment shall set the example for others to follow. 
Eenergetically will I meet the enemies of my country. I shall defeat them on the field of battle, for I am better trained and will fight them with all my might. Surrender is not a Ranger word. I will never leave a fallen comrade to fall into the hands of the enemy and under no circumstances will I ever embaress my country. 
Readily will I display the intestinal fortitude required to fight on to the Ranger objective and complete the mission, though I be the lone survivor

Choosing the right path

So we all have to be excoted about something right? Some its a new toy, car, computer, my new camera! For some its politics or animal rights. But these days it seems like you just cant get enough of one thing or another. Elections, gas prices, Lindsay Lohan getting flour thrown on her new fur sorry that is actually kinda funny :) sorry Lindsay...but it was! 
 Me I am excited about finding a better way to earn alot of money, I have benn working forever it seems and certianly no longer than you or others but it does bring to mind the saying "what is the definition of insanity? To do the same thing everyday and expect a different result!" so if we are all working 40 hours, 50 hours a week together just like our parents did and so on and so forth, and we all have the same headaches and challanges, and we all wish we could find something different and better but tomorrow we wake up and all do the same thing.....wait! Are we insane? Sounds like it to me.
 Well I want out! In that spirit and with the passion of knowing that I share the bond I wish for something better (or even just more money) I propose a quick video lesson watch and enjoy I know I did!