Friday, August 6, 2010

Is Network Marketing The Perfect Type Of Business?

Ask 100 totally random people what they think about network marketing and you’ll get a pretty mixed reaction. While some people will hate it and tell you it’s a scam a lot of people won’t know very much about it at all. There will be people who are totally neutral on the subject (though there aren’t a TON of those) and there will be the people who have experienced the magic of network marketing and claim that it’s the perfect type of business… but is it?

Well network marketing isn’t perfect. The people aren’t perfect, and the businesses aren’t perfect. But network marketing it’s self is just about as close to the perfect business model as you can get. I’ll show you what I mean…

Imagine your job. Now imagine that you got paid for everything you did at your job… you brought the company a new source of income? You got a raise. You did a good job bringing in new clients? You got a raise. That sounds pretty standard right?

Now imagine that you were connected to every other person who works in your office. And imagine that you got paid based on what you did to help the company and you also got paid based on what the other people you worked with did to help the company. When the team is doing great numbers and succeeding you were succeeding. And when the team needed a push you were all there to support each other and fix whatever problem there might be because when the team was doing well you all were doing well.

Sounds awesome right?

Well that’s exactly what network marketing is. You’re getting paid for your success and the success of others. Unlike what a lot of people might believe network marketing isn’t about stepping on other people to get what you want. It’s about helping the team as a whole because the more successful your team is the more successful you ALL are! Everybody is a winner and that’s what’s so great about network marketing. You get the pay off for everything that you do and you get a little bit from everyone else.

Network marketing is pretty darn simple when you think of it that way. And it might just be the perfect business type.

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

I Don’t Know How To Start Marketing My Business Online!

The internet is a world all it’s own. It has created new job possibilities for lots of people and it’s also revolutionized the way that traditional businesses operate. However, many home based business owners still tend to shy away from online marketing.

Why this is I’m not exactly sure but I have a feeling that for a lot of people it is simply that they don’t know where to start. So many network marketers have gotten use to the idea of marketing in their local area that they forget about the internet and how advantageous it can be.

The internet brings the world to you. You can literally market your business to people all over the country as well as overseas it just gives you a much larger pool to draw from. You can market to anyone who has a computer and these days that’s just about anyone.

So if you’re like a lot of network marketers and you don’t know how to get started marketing your business online here are three simple things that you can do to get started.

1. Article Marketing – Article marketing works for every type of online business not just network marketing. Article marketing allows you to be the expert in whatever you want to talk about. Then once your article is written you can submit it to free online article directories and boom! It’s up there for millions of people to read and gain knowledge from.

Article marketing works because it gives people the main thing they come on the internet for… information. Provide someone with free in formation and they’re gonna love you for it. Combine that with putting your blog or website at the bottom of the article and your guaranteed more traffic to your website.

This is important because no matter how great your website is it’s not doing you any good if lots of people aren’t going to it every single day. So anything that increases traffic is a good thing online.

2. Blogging -  Blogging is very similar to article marketing but instead of posting your articles on article directories you post them on your very own blog. You can blog about any topic (obviously it helps if the topic has something to do with your business) and your blog posts can be as formal or as casual as you want. It’s your blog so you get to set the tone.

A blog is a great place to say what you want to say. It’s YOUR BLOG so you’re not going to be edited or muffled. It’s your platform to get your voice and your message out there. A blog can also be a terrific way to increase website traffic and get a ton of new prospects.

3. Free Classifieds – If you’re a network marketer you’ve probably thought about placing an add in your local newspaper. Well, online free classifieds are just like that only they’re generally more effective and instead of spending hundreds of dollars you’re not spending a dime! There are a lot of free classified sites but and are the most popular and will get you the best results.

Monday, August 2, 2010

How Do You Know If Someone Will Be Good In A Home Based Business?

One of the things that I have gotten asked is how you can know if someone is going to be good in network marketing or not. Obviously you don’t want to waste your time with a prospect if they aren’t cut out for this type of business and you don’t want to look over someone who could be a network marketing rock star… so how can you tell if someone is going to be good or not?

Unfortunately there isn’t a way to know if someone will be good or bad in any home based business. That is because it all really comes down to a few things. The first thing is how much do they want it. It’s one thing to sort of want to make more money from home and it’s another to really WANT it! If you have an intense desire to succeed in a home based business chances are you will be willing to take the extra steps needed to become really successful. Some people will claim that they want it really bad but their actions will show that they don’t.
So it’s really up to them. If they don’t have a desire that is strong enough they won’t do as well as someone who really wants it.

A lot of people don’t realize that personality actually has very little to do with being successful. While a lot of people see someone with a big outgoing personality and think they would be great in a home based business that is actually not always the case. Personality matters a lot less than other things like desire and passion and motivation. You could give me the option of having 10 really loud, outgoing type A personalities on my team or having 1 or 2 people who might be more shy but have a really strong desire for success and I would take the motivated people all day long.

There is no way of knowing who will be good in a home based business and who won’t. So don’t ever look over anybody and don’t count anyone out because you never know who your next big money maker is going to be. 

Sunday, August 1, 2010

Turning Your Articles Into Videos… A Good Idea?

If you have a Youtube account and you are currently using video marketing as a part of your online marketing campaign you might from time to time be looking for new content for videos. Video marketing is most effective when you have a lot of content and when you update your Youtube channel often. And if you’re looking for content you might have heard or thought about using some of your articles as content for your videos. But is that really a good idea? Or should articles just stay articles and videos just be videos?

I believe it’s a really good idea and it’s something that I recommend to a lot of people especially if they are having trouble coming up with content for their videos. The good thing about using your articles as videos is that you’re getting the most use out of what you already have. I recommend that people use their articles on article directories, on their own personal blog and also use them as videos. Because if you’re going to go through the trouble of creating a great article you might as well get a lot of use out of it!

Now, before you begin turning all of your articles into videos I would recommend that you not read directly into the camera. Try to take the content of the article and turn it into something that is better for the camera. You can use the same points just don’t hold a paper and read to the camera (seriously, I’ve seen this) you want it to sound like the content is coming directly from you, not a piece of paper and even if you were the one who wrote the article it just doesn’t seem very professional.

Also, use pictures, video, graphics or other things to make the article seem more interesting while you’re giving it to the camera. Looking at the same person talking for several minutes can be a little boring so give them something else to look at if you can… it will hold their attention better.

I believe that turning articles into videos is a great idea just use a little creativity and you’ll have some great marketing videos on your hands!

Saturday, July 31, 2010

Tips for Building a Good Flyer

In many of my articles I like to focus on web 2.0 and internet marketing. However, sometimes nothing beats a good old flyer. Yes, as much as I am a fan of internet marketing I also love flyers. I'm not exactly sure why. Maybe it's because they are so simple or maybe it's because I have had great luck with them in the past but either way I believe that they are effective so I will continue to use them.
Over the years I have used a bunch of different types of flyers and I've had mixed results. So from one flyer lover to another here are a few tips that I have picked up that will help you get better response from your flyers.

1. Use bright paper - It's the simplest thing in the world but honestly bright neon paper works better than white... it just does. Yes it costs a few cents more but it's totally worth it. I don't know why it works so well but it does.

2. Keep it short - Your flyer should be short and sweet. DO NOT write a whole long thing on a flyer it won't get read. you pretty much have 1.5 seconds to get their attention and nothing ruins that like a bunch of boring text. Keep it short!

3. Use a website - Websites work better than phone numbers. Some people don't want to pick up the phone and call but they will totally jump online and check you out. Again, I don't know why it works so much better but it really does!

4. Keep some mystery - Don't tell them the name of your company. Keep as much mystery as possible because you want them to go to your website and check it out. If you tell them everything on the flyer then it's all over they're never going to check out your site if they already have a good idea of who you are and what you do.

5. Make them laugh - If you can make someone laugh you've got them. They're going to remember you, they're going to show it to their friends/spouse/family and they're probably going to go to your website! Laughter and humor go a long way with stuff like this.

These are just a few tips that I believe will help you get a better response from your flyer campaign. Good luck and have fun creating your flyers!

Wednesday, July 7, 2010

I Want To Work From Home But I Don't Want To Fail

Fear of failure is a huge reason why so many people decide to hold off on joining a home based business. Nobody wants to feel like a failure or risk spending money on something that's not going to pay off for them. However, you don't want to miss out on doing something that could drastically change your life just because you're afraid.

Whenever you start a business there is a chance that you could somehow fail. All types of businesses fail home based and otherwise so the risk is always there. However, the risk of failing in a home based business isn't as high as you might think. Yes, there is a chance that you won't meet all of your goals. However, if you are willing to make a plan for success and stick with it your chances of failure are pretty low.

The only people who really end up failing in a home based business are the people who aren't willing to give it their best effort. I see a lot of people who are willing to get started in a business but aren't willing to actually work for their success. They just assume that if they are a member of a company the business will just build it's self. That is of course not true.

Also, some people DO work but they just aren't consistent enough or they give up too early in the process.  You can't build a successful business in just a few months it's going to take time but if you are willing to really work hard for it and invest the time and energy that you would invest in any other type of business you will have success and lots of it.

Don't be so scared of failure that you miss out on a great opportunity to make money and live an incredible life. Get more information about working from home and find a business that is right for you.

Are You Really Doing What You Need To Do To Succeed In Your Home Business?

I think a fair amount of being successful working from home is learning to be honest with yourself. As someone who has been around home based business owners for many years I can honestly say that a lot of them are really just kidding themselves. it's not enough to be a part of a great company and have the drive to succeed.

You have to put a lot of action behind your intentions of the money is just never going to come. I have seen too many bright, driven, well educated people fail in this type of business because they simply don't do the work that it takes to really succeed.

While it is true that you don't have to work a home based business like a full time job it's not true that you only need to work a few hours a month. It's going to take several hours a week of hard work every single week if you want your business to grow. And I don't mean spending time on a conference call or at a meeting but several hours actually WORKING your business... talking to people, giving presentations, marketing yourself aggressively online real hard work.

I say all of this because if you are reading this article and you're thinking about joining a home based business you deserve to know the truth. Too many people are willing to lie to you to get you to join their business and that's just not fair. Any business takes hard work and effort. You have to be intentional. You have to set some time aside during the week and really work the business or it just won't work for you.

However, the good news is that when you do that you will find that working for yourself is seriously amazing. You will also find that the harder you work now the easier it will be. A home based business tends to snowball so the more work you do in the beginning the easier it gets and the more fun it becomes. You will also find that being your own boss is a million times better than working for someone else.

So don't let the hard work fool you because once you start to see success in your home based business you'll never want to go back! Just don't be fooled by the people who tell you that you won't have to work for it because you most certainly will! 

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Home Business Basics: Should I Venture Into Online Marketing?

Online marketing or internet marketing really is the way of the future. It is what everyone in network marketing is talking about and for good reason. Internet marketing is making working from home truly working from home! No more going all around town meeting people to make presentations, no more parties, no more meetings it is truly a work from home type of business. Online marketing is also a great way to reach a whole lot more people than you ever could working your business locally. You can reach people all over the U.S. and if your business is international you can even reach people overseas that’s why local marketing is quickly becoming a thing of the past… it’s just so darn effective and easy.

It’s also a great way to save money. Instead of spending money driving from place to place you can just sit in front of your computer and reach even more people than ever possible. So much of internet marketing is not free also, since so much great marketing can be done on free websites like facebook, youtube, ezine articles, ect.

Another great upside of internet marketing is that it’s great for people who are a little bit on the shy side. It can be really intimidating to talk to someone in person about your business but on the internet the pressure is off a bit more. So a lot of stay at home moms and “regular people” are now choosing to work online because they don’t have to be ultra impressive type A personalities to have success.

You can also have much more control over your own schedule when working from home online. You can stop when you need to stop if you’re taking care of your kids or you have to run to the store. You don’t have to worry about getting all dressed up and driving to a meeting you can now communicate with and network with people right from your home office and you can be wearing your pajamas if you want to!

So if you haven’t tried online marketing yet go ahead and give it a try. It can really change your business in a huge way. 

Saturday, May 1, 2010

What are the Chances of Failure?

Before you start any kind of business you’re probably going to think about what the odds are that your business is going to be successful. Nobody wants to invest time and money into a business if it’s just going to fail. So when I talk to people about starting their own home based business often the first question that they ask is. What are the chances of me failing and not making any money at all? Or even worse, what are the chances of me losing money in a home based business?

I can tell you from personal experience that the rate of failure in a home based business is about the same as the failure of a traditional brick and mortar business. The main difference is that since the cost to get started in a home based business is much much less than a traditional business… A) more people get stared in some sort of home based business vs. a traditional business and B) people are generally far less invested in a home based business and therefore don’t take it as seriously as they need to to succeed.

Let’s talk about B for a second. I firmly believe that the low cost of start up in a home based business is the biggest blessing and curse there is. It’s great because people who don’t have a lot of money to invest in a business can start their own working business for less than $1000 (usually) and it gives almost anyone the chance to make something of themselves. It’s bad for that very same reason. People tend to work less hard and take the business less seriously because it was so cheap and easy to get started in.

Out of all the people who want to work from home. The people who are successful are the people who treat their home based business like a REAL business (because that is exactly what it is) and the people who fail are the ones who treat it like a hobby or a little get rich quick scheme. (which it defiantly is NOT!)

So if you are willing to take your home based business seriously, and work it just like you would a real or “traditional” business your chances of failure are very, very slim. 

How To Make Money Part Time From Home While Still Keeping Your Full Time Job

There are a lot of articles out there promoting the idea of quitting your full time job and working from home full time. However, I know that there are a lot of people out there who really don’t want to quit their job they just need a little bit (or a lot) of extra money to make life easier.

If you’re in a career that you love but it’s not giving you the lifestyle that you want a home based business can still be right for you. You don’t have to be someone who hates their job and wants to quit. Anyone can be successful working part time from home no matter what your motives or desired end result is.

The main thing you will need to do is find a business that only has to be worked a few hours a week. Many home based businesses require 20, 30, or even 40 hours a week of work and if you’re already working full time that is just not going to work. However, a lot of home based businesses will work with you even if you only have 7-10 hours a week to invest. So make sure that that is one of the first questions you ask someone when you’re talking to them about a possible business.

Network marketing is a great type of business for someone who works full time already because it doesn’t require a huge time commitment and a lot of the work has already been done for you. It’s mostly about getting the word out about the business, marketing and a little bit of training.

If you want to start your own business from scratch you can do that too but it will require more time in the beginning and it will defiantly require more money up front to start.

Whatever you decide to do just know that it is possible to make good money from home part time even if you still want to keep your full time job. 

Thursday, March 18, 2010

It is Not That Complicated

What I have found through years and years in the home based business industry is that most people make it way more complicated than it actually is. When you make the business sound complicated people don’t understand it and therefore they don’t want to be a part of it. MLM is really not that complicated and once you look at it in a simplified way it will make it much easier to make money doing it.

MLM, or network marketing, or direct sales or a home based business is just simply marketing a product or service. That’s IT! And as you marketing that product or service you bring other people on to your team who want to market that same product or service. As you build a bigger team you will make more money because one person selling 10 products a month is a little money but 50 people selling 10 products a month is big money.

As you build your team you make money from what you’re doing as well as making money off of what your team is doing.

Think of it this way. If you had a business where you sold t-shirts and you personally went door to door or store to store and sold and many t-shirts as you could in one day it would never be as much money as if you had 100 people out there doing the same thing and selling your t-shirts for you every day. That is all network marketing is, simple huh?

There is a misconception that in MLM you get paid JUST to bring people into the business not true. You bring people into the business but it is only when you get those people working and making money that you really start to make money. So when you help other people get rich you get rich in the process. Sound simple? It is!

MLM might be a lot of things but it’s not complicated. 

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Are You Making Your Home Based Business Fun Enough?

If you are going to be a part of a home based business you’d better make it fun! Are you enjoying your business enough? Yes a business is a serious thing and certainly the money you can make is very, very serious however that doesn’t mean that you have to be all business all the time. That’s one of the best things about working from home.

You can work in your pajamas, you can vacation whenever you want and you can joke around and be silly whenever you want. In fact having fun will actually help your business out a lot! People will be drawn to you and what to do business with you when they see just how exciting and fun working from home can be.

Everything that you do for your business should be fun. And that fun should come across in everything that you do for your business. From the blog posts you write, to the conversations you have with people, to the videos you make it shouldn’t have to be super serious all the time.

Also, making things fun will help to push you to work even when you don’t really feel like it. We all have days when we’d rather not work and we just want to be lazy and stay in bed. But if you can have a good time while making money what better combination could their be? You’ll make more money and you’ll be less stressed out when things don’t go the way you want them to (and trust me that will happen!)

So don’t take yourself or your business too seriously. Start having fun with your business and you’ll be happy that you did!

Sunday, February 28, 2010

Recession Proof Your Lifestyle With The Help Of A Home Based Business

These days everyone is talking about the recession. I see it all the time on the internet and on t.v. people are constantly trying to find a way to stay afloat and pay all of their bills and many of them are turning to a home based business or internet marketing. So is this a good idea or something they’ll end up regretting down the line?

I whole heartedly believe that a home based business is the best way to work from home, spend more time with your family and recession proof your life. Here are a few reasons why.

The first reason is simple and basic. It is secondary income. Even if we weren’t in the middle of a huge recession how couldn’t use a little secondary income?

When you have a second income you can not only pay all of your bills but you can also do some of the fun things that many people are missing out of because of these hard economic times.

Another reason a home based business will recession proof your life is that you can never get fired when you work for yourself. Even if you have a great job that pays you a lot of money you still should think about what would happen if that income was gone tomorrow.

Many people who believed their jobs would always be secure are now finding themselves in the un-employment line. Really no ones job is safe. The only way you are promised any kind of income is through a home based business. That’s not doom and gloom that’s just a fact.

Besides having a secondary income and a job you can’t get fired from here are a few more good solid reasons why you should seriously think about working from home: spend less money on gas, take your children out of daycare, don’t spend money going out to lunch, start part time and build your income up before you leave your job!

The list goes on and on. In this economic climate working from home just makes good sense! Don’t wait until it’s too late to start making money from home and recession proofing your families lifestyle.

Find a home based business that’s right for you and start working from home today!

Saturday, February 27, 2010

Ease Your Way into Internet and Network Marketing

Internet marketing is the way of the future. If you’re involved in a home based business but you don’t do anything online to market it you are missing out on a lot of business and a ton of money. If you’re use to the old school methods of marketing your business you might think that you don’t need to learn how to market online or you might think that it’s too tough and you’ll never be able to learn. Neither of these are true.

The fact is that everyone should be marketing their business one the internet. It allows you to reach more people for less money, and since the internet is always there 24/7 it allows you to work during house of the day when you wouldn’t be able to call prospects of do anything else like that.

Learning the internet can be scary if you’ve never done anything on it but once you take the time to learn it you’ll see just how valuable a tool it really is!

If you want to start learning internet marketing but you don’t know where to begin my advice is to start slow!

Don’t try to learn everything all at once because you’re just going to get frustrated and that’s not going to get you anywhere. Start be easing your way into the internet. Find one thing that you want to try and learn that one thing really well. Once you know how to do that and it’s not so intimidating try to learn something else. Soon you’ll be able to do lots of things online and none of it will seem so scary anymore.

Here is a short list of things that an internet marketing newbie could start out with:

A free online blog
Article marketing
Youtube marketing
Facebook marketing
Forum marketing

Any of these things will help you get more business and more free prospects for your business each and every month. Again, you don’t have to learn them all at once just pick one that sounds fun and work on it until you’re confident and comfortable with it.

The internet is a great tool to use for any home business. Don’t miss out on all the money you could be earning. Start learning how to market your business online today.

Friday, February 19, 2010

Why Success Is ALL Mental And How To Get Your Head In The Game!

So very much of business is mental and this could not be more true in anything else more than network marketing. If your head isn’t right you’re not going to make money… PERIOD. However, when your mind is in the right place you will be able to accomplish amazing things.

Here are a few quick tips to help you get your head in the right place to have a ton of success!

#1 Friends and Family don’t know everything!

Listen, I have nothing against your family, friends or spouse. However, sometimes you just have to learn to ignore them! People are way, way, way too concerned with what everyone thinks of them and their business.

No matter what you do there are always going to be people who are going to speak negatively about it. The truth is they probably mean well, but they just don’t know what they don’t know.

If you freak out every time someone you know says something negative about your home based business you’re never going to get any work done.

Simply put… if you want to be successful you have to learn how to block some people out! Don’t let your friends and family cheat you out of living the life of your dreams because of negative talk.

#2 Write all your goals down and LOOK at them!!

Writing down your dreams and goals is just SO important! It’s good to know what you want and have it in your head but writing it down is 100 times better.

When you have your dreams written out where you can physically see them they can help to motivate you in a way that they just won’t if their stuck in your head.

When you write down your goals you have to get specific too. Don’t just say “I want a new car” write down exactly what kind of car you want: make, model, color, everything!

#3 It’s not just about the big stuff, celebrate everything!

It’s really easy to get so bogged down with trying to reach your ultimate goal that you forget all about the mini victories that are happening in your life all the time.

Did you get your first sign up? Victory!

Did you call someone even though you were shaking and nervous? Victory!

By keeping track of each and every small victory that comes your way you’ll feel more successful and keep yourself in a better more positive frame of mind.

If you can master these three things you’ll be well on your way to a more positive and successful home based business. Remember that the key to finding true success working from home isn’t in your product, upline or company. It’s right between your ears!


Thursday, February 18, 2010

Zurvita Featured on CNN

February 11th Zurvita was Featured on full story here: I look forward to answering any questions you may have regarding my company! I have been with Zurvita since Nov of 2001 and I have enjoyed every minute.

Zurvita offers many diverse products designed to enhance everyone's life and business. We offer Health benefits, Power, Natural gas, Cell Phone plans for every major carrier, Tax help, Credit help, Discount shopping and rebates, and our new Local Ad Link Product to help you market your business.

If you are looking to be a part of a fantastic company then you need to read the raving review by CNN on Zurvita then visit and learn more about what Zurvita can do for you!

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

The Difference Between Advertising And Selling In A Home Based Business

In this article I want to talk about the difference between advertising and selling when it comes to your home based business. When you’re on the phone with a prospect or someone who’s interested in your product or service are you really selling them on why they should fork over their hard earned money or are you just advertising what you’re offering and giving up too easily?

Everyone hates a pushy salesperson so obviously I don’t think you should be over the top annoying. However. Sometimes we tend to get intimidated over the phone and at the first sign that our prospect is not interested we just give up. Selling is about finding out what it takes for the person you’re talking to to spend his or her money. If you’re just calling people and giving up at the first sign of disinterest you’re not really selling you’re just advertising. You’re picking up the phone and letting them know what’s out there and then hanging up without even really trying to get to what’s going to make them buy.

If you want to start closing more deals and making more money you’re going to have to stop advertising and start selling. Here are a few tips on how to do that.

1. Listen for their buying signs

If you listen close enough a prospect will tell you what they need in order to buy. Maybe they’ll tell you that they don’t have enough time with their kids, or that they don’t make enough money, maybe they’ll tell you that they hate their job or that they feel unfulfilled. You have to listen to these things because that is what you are going to use to get them to buy your product or sign up for your business. If you’re not paying attention and listening to them you’ll miss these signals and you won’t know how to get them to buy.

2. Listen more than you talk

If you’re talking the entire time you won’t be able to listen for their hot buttons. Also you don’t listen you’ll sound like a pushy sales person. A good conversation with a prospect is just that… a conversation! It should be two sided.

3. Ask for what you want.

If you’re too afraid to ask for them to buy/ sign up they’re never going to do it. You have to ask for what it is that you want. Don’t be afraid to ask them to get out their credit card and sign up right then and there. True, most people won’t do it but you’ll never know unless you ask.

4. Find out why they’re not interested

If someone tells you they’re not interested don’t just leave it at that. Try to find out why they’re not interested and see if there is something you can do to fix it. So if their excuse is money find a time when your company is running a deal and they can get in the business for less money. Listen to their reasoning acknowledge it and see what you can do it fix it.

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Are You Working Smarter Or Harder?? Tips On Working Smarter!

Here’s the thing. If you want to have success you’re going to have to work. But that doesn’t mean you have to work harder than you need to. There are ways that you can work smarter and not harder. These tips won’t make building your business a total walk in the park but they will help you get more done in less time and your bank account will thank you for that!

First of all you want to seriously think about doing business on the internet. It is simple THE BEST way to reach as many people as possible for free! Yes there are ways that you can advertise online that cost money but there are also a lot of ways that are 100% free.

Also, since the internet is always “open” you can work on your business anytime even if it’s not during normal business hours! So if you happen to be up at 2 AM and feel like working you can do it on the internet. If all you’re doing is buying leads and calling prospects you can’t really do that at 2 AM!

Doing things locally is great but nothing beats the internet because you can reach the masses much faster. Why would you want to just reach people in your town when you can reach people in all 50 states or even internationally!

The internet is just a great way to work smarter not harder.

Also, try to do things that you can do one time and they will last for a really long time. So doing online ads is great. However, try doing something like article marketing or video marketing. If you put a video up on Youtube for example it will stay up pretty much forever. That means you can do something one time and get paid for doing it for months and years in the future. That is the definition of working smarter!

Just because you have to work on your business doesn’t mean you shouldn’t work smarter! Start marketing online and learn why it’s the best way possible to build a business in a short period of time for less money.

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

What Can your Kids Teach you About Business

Believe it or not kids can teach you a lot of things about life in general but especially about your home based business. Here are just a few things that your children can teach you about your business….

1. Don’t give up on what you want

Children don’t like to take “no” for an answer. If there is any way humanly possible for them to get what they want they are going to get it. Even if it means making a sacrifice, bargaining, begging, or working with a tunnel vision like intensity until they have what they want.

As adults we could stand to be a little more like that. If you want something in life or in your business why not fight for it? It might not always be easy but it will be worth it.

2. Believe in yourself

Kids have total confidence in themselves. They don’t question their abilities. A child knows that they’re good at and even if they’re not good at something they’ll work on it until they are. I’ve seen little girls stand out in the back yard and try to do a cartwheel for HOURS. They know they can do it and they won’t stop until it’s done.

We question ourselves and our abilities far too much when we grow up. You can do amazing things… all you have to do is believe!

3. They can laugh at themselves

A child knows how to relax, forget about their mistakes and just laugh and be silly. If we could do this more as adults we’d be much happier and much more productive believe it or not!

4. They’re not afraid to ask for what they want

If a child wants something you’d better believe you’re going to hear about it! They don’t like to keep what they want a secret and neither should we. If we were more open about exactly what we wanted from life and if we were willing to actually ask for it we might just get it.

How many times have you been talking to a prospect and instead of working for the close you beat around the bush? If you want someone to be in your business ASK, if you want to close a sale on one of your products, ASK FOR IT. A child would. And that’s why they’d get exactly what they want.

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Be Happily Unemployed by 2012

In almost all cases being unemployed is a very negative thing. However when you’re unemployed because you work from home with your home based business that’s a very positive thing. For the network marketers all over the world who have been unemployed for years and years nothing is better than not having a job. In fact the idea of having a traditional job or a boss is downright terrifying. It’s true that once you work for yourself you’ll never want another job ever again!

And that is exactly what this article is dedicated to. You can be happily unemployed by 2011. If you’re sick of your job. If you’re sick of your boss and if you’re sick of your tiny paycheck you need to seriously consider going into business with yourself.

A home based business can seem like a scary thing. However almost all network marketers start out part time. So you don’t have to quit your job and risk losing everything. You can start your own business on the side and work it part time so that when your income is where you want it to be you can quit your job without the fear of financial ruin.

By working just 2-3 hours per day or less before or after work you can start to build an income that will allow you to break free from the shackles of a traditional job.

The great thing about most network marketing is that the people who bring you into the business will handle training you and teaching you how to be successful. All of the tools and the entire system will be laid out for you so that you don’t have to learn for yourself how to be successful. You just plug into the system and you’re on your way to making money from home.

Your income isn’t going to be huge in your first month or two but it will start to grow and grow more each month if you’re working your business consistently. So that by 2011 you could very well be ready to say goodbye to your old job. Just think of ringing in the new year by saying goodbye to your boss forever!

So what do you say? Are you ready to be happily unemployed? If so get more information about working from home today!

Network Marketing Scams...The Truth!

Article 1

Network Marketing Scams… The TRUTH!

There are a lot of articles out here on the internet about network marketing, mlm or direct sales. Most of them are designed to get you to sign up for their particular business. Because of that they aren’t always 100% accurate. This article is being written so that anyone who is interested in joining this controversial industry will be able to know the truth about it before they waste any time, money or effort.

Network marketing is a very different type of business than most people are use to. Rather than completely focusing on the product and sales network marketers are compensated for building a team as well. So you’re doing two things at once. You’re bringing people into your business, training them and helping them succeed. While you’re also marketing and selling your product or service. If you’re not consistently doing both of these things you’re not going to have success in network marketing.

Another thing that makes network marketing so different is that generally you have to spend money to get started in the business. The reason for this is because you’re not just getting another job you’re starting your own business. Businesses cost money to start, jobs don’t. So if you’re thinking about getting started in network marketing you need to know that you’ll actually be starting your own business. This is a big plus for many people but can be a negative for some depending on exactly what you want.

Finally we get to the number one reason why network marketing is so controversial. The scams. Yes, it is true that there are bad businesses out there who will steal your money and offer you nothing in return. They’re sort of here today gone tomorrow.

However it’s important to realize that that is a rarity in an industry that is 99% of the time completely legitimate. It’s a shame that a few bad apples can ruin the reputation of an entire industry but it’s true.

For the most part network marketing is a great way to make money from home. It’s simple, it’s inexpensive and it can work for just about anyone. Just make sure that you do some research on your company ahead of time before joining. This will ensure that you won’t be getting into anything that might be a scam.

If a company has been around for at least a year, they have a physical product they market or if they have a corporate office (I.e. they don’t operate out of a mini van) you’re probably dealing with a legal legitimate company.

Don’t let the fear of getting scammed stop you from joining a business that can change your life forever.

Friday, January 22, 2010

Can You Really Make Money While On Vacation?

What could be better than being on vacation with your friends or family and STILL MAKING MONEY!? It’s the dream right? But is it really possible? With a home based business it is totally possible.

Here are a few things that you can do while on vacation that will help you make money while you’re relaxing on the beach.

1. Update Your Blog

Your home based business blog should be a good mix of business related material with a little bit of your personal life thrown in. If you already have quite a few faithful subscribers all it will take is a new post or two about how much fun you’re having on vacation (pictures are a big bonus) to peak some serious interest. Bonus points if the vacation you’re taking isn’t during the summer or other prime vacation months.

Imagine someone sitting in their office looking at pictures of you and your family on an awesome sunny vacation. It’s great for business!

2. Use Social Networking Sites

Much like your blog social networking sites like Myspace, Twitter, and face book allow you to reach out to tons of people at one time. Instead of spamming and constantly posting annoying ads on your social networking sites why not update them with pictures or stories of how much fun you’re having? Trust me it will make your friends jealous and some of them are going to ask more about your business.

3. Send Out An Email To Your List

If you have a pretty large email list then sending out a big bulk email alerting them that you’ll be on vacation for the next , week, two weeks or month will be sure to peak a ton of interest. Don’t send out the email to brag. Just let them know that you may not be available for a while since you’re in (insert awesome vacation spot). It’ll get their attention for sure.

4. Shoot Some Video For The Web

Video for the web doesn’t have to be a highly produced scripted thing. Grab your camcorder or digital camera and short a few short videos about your vacation to post on Youtube and other online sources. Try to keep them short and sweet and make sure your background looks good (like not in your hotel room) at the beach, by the pool, on the ski slopes or in front of a landmark are all good ideas!

Those are the top 4 tips for building your home based business while on vacation. So what are you still doing here? Get out there and have some fun!

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

How to Write a More Effective Blog Posts

If you are building your home based business online chances are you already know the importance of blogging. Having a business blog can be one of the best things you can do for your business in order to attract people to you and gain more prospects.

Blogging also allows you to stay in touch and build a relationship with people already on your team that may be scattered around the country or the globe. If you’re wanting to build an effective and popular blog you don’t need much.

The first thing you’ll need is a good domain name. I recommend using a domain name that is keyword optimized. So rather than perhaps go with something like or the possibilities are endless but just know that keywords are always best because they will automatically get your blog in the search engines faster.

However the real trick to building an effective blog doesn’t lay in the domain name, or the layout (although obviously you don’t want an ugly blog) but in the content aka the posts themselves.

So how do you write more effective blog posts that will not only captivate your current readers and keep them coming back but help you gain a bigger and bigger audience and at the same time raise your blog in the search engines?

Her are a few simple tips to help you write better content for your blog.

1. Keywords!

This can not be said enough. If you want to build a popular and effective blog you can’t do it without the use of keywords. Take some time and do your keyword research because it will pay off big time if you do it right! Another good tip is to use keywords in the categories for your blog as well! Wherever you can fit in a keyword do it!

2. Get Original!

Nobody is going to come back an visit a boring blog. Make sure your content is original and exciting. The most effective blogs I’ve found will have a mix of helpful content and personal stories. You want your readers to know and trust you as a business person as well as care about you as an individual.

3. Use Pictures!

I can not stress enough how much adding pictures will add to your blog. Breaking up your text with pictures will make people want to read more and more and the more personal the pics can be the better. So if you’re talking about your trip to Hawaii with the family don’t just use a stock photo of Hawaii use one of you and your family! Another tip is to make sure and keyword optimize the titles of your pictures before you post them as well!

Those are just a few simple tips that will help your blog become more popular. Make sure you work on your blog at least a couple times a week and follow these tips and you’ll be good to go!

Great Places to Work!

One of the great things about working from home is that you don’t have to STAY at home. Here are 4 different places that you can choose to work your home based business from!

1. A Coffee Shop

Coffee is the official drink of work isn’t it? It seems like no office would be complete without a big pot of coffee to keep their employees working hard. Many coffee places today offer free WiFi in their stores so you get the big comfy chairs, the relaxing atmosphere, free internet AND yummy coffee to keep you working… what’s not to like? It’s also a lot less expensive than working in a restaurant and they usually don’t mind if you set up shop for a couple of hours. It’s just the perfect spot for almost anyone.

2. Your Own Backyard

That might sound crazy but sometimes it’s not about being far, far away from home it’s just about getting outside for a while. If you sit outside with your laptop you can probably still pick up your internet signal from inside the house. You can watch the kids play, maybe get a tan and just enjoy the freedom that you wouldn’t have if you were stuck in a cubicle all day. A picnic table or some patio furniture and a glass of lemonade make this the perfect set up and it’s free!

3. The Mall

This one might seem a little out there for some people but sitting in the food court of a mall can be a great place to get some work done. Here’s why. There are lots of people buzzing around so if you’re writing a blog post or an article there is plenty of inspiration. Also, there’s nothing like going and checking out that pair of shoes or that outfit you want to motivate you to work a little harder. Of course if you’re the type of person who has to have quiet in order to get work done this is not the best option for you. But some people work best with a little noise around them and this is one of the best spots for that. Plus you have your choice of a bunch of different restaurants!

4. On The Beach

This really is the dream scenario isn’t it? Sitting on the beach (or in a cabin in the mountains that’s what you’re into) relaxing and enjoying the day and getting a little work done while you’re at it. Obviously most of us can’t do this one year round but your work just won’t seem as hard if you’re doing it while sipping a mai-tai and feeling the sand in your toes.

8 Steps to Creating Wealth Online

Are you searching for a way to make money online? Some people make working from home out to be a lot harder than it really is. Just follow these 8 simple steps to success working online. You might just be the next big internet marketing superstar!

1) Find a niche that excites you! If you have a passion for what you’re doing you are much more likely to have success in it. It’s always easier to promote a product or service that you truly believe in than trying to sell something just to make a quick buck.

2) Take action! Don’t just get ready to get ready but make a plan and go after it. Action is ALWAYS better than inaction when it comes to working online. Even if you’re not doing something exactly right do it anyway!

3) Register your own domain name and create your own website or blog. Every home based business owner needs a website. And using your companies website isn’t the best. You need something that’s unique and more you.

4) Write down all of your goals and when you plan to accomplish them.

5) Make sure your goals aren’t just money based but are grounded in real emotion. A dollar amount will never motivate you the way spending time with your kids will.

6) Offer some tips, advice, and other information for free! When you give good information away for free people will come to trust you and will eventually want to do business with you.

7) Always try to help will come back to you ten fold.

8) Have faith in yourself that you can do anything you put your mind to… the rest will just fall into place.

Are You Waiting for Retirement to Enjoy Life?

It seems like such a shame to me that so many people wait until they’re in their 50’s, 60’s or even later to do all the things that they’ve always wanted to do. What about you? Are you living the life of your dreams or are you putting it off until tomorrow?

You don’t have to be over the hill to enjoy life and start doing the things that you’ve always dreamed of doing. However, that is what many people believe. Why put off until your 50’s what you can do in your 20’s or 30’s? Why not start living the life you want right now and for the rest of your life?

A home based business allows you to have the freedom to work when and where you want to work. It also allows you to make the kind of money that will allow you to have the lifestyle you want right now. This type of freedom doesn’t come without work but it’s easier than you might think to attain.

The internet has allowed so many different types of people to become successful. It truly has leveled the playing field for so many. Several years ago if you wanted to become successful in network marketing you needed to have a big list of friends to call on.

These days you can meet limitless numbers of people online who want exactly what you’re offering so the possibilities are endless. Along with making it easier the internet also helps people grow their businesses faster! So in just a couple short years you can live the life that only most dream of having and you don’t have to keep putting your dreams to the side or saving them up for a better day.

Stop wishing and dreaming of the life you want and start living it starting right now. You can have any life you want… are you living the one you want?

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

The Importamce of Keywords

If you’re thinking about building your home based business online you’re going to need to know a lot about keywords. People don’t always realize the importance of keywords to their home based business however, they are actually critical to your online success.

A keyword is a word or phrase that people type into a search engine hoping to find different websites and resources that they want or need. Because of that if you don’t use keywords correctly there is a good chance that no one will be able to find your website when they’re searching for it.

If nobody can find your website your business obviously won’t be doing well so it’s vitally important to the life of your business that you research keywords and know exactly how to use them. There are many resources online that will help you learn how to get the most out of keywords however, here are a few tips to help you get started and you can build from there.

First of all, you’ll want to make your keywords as specific as possible. Yes, there are a lot of people online looking for the term “home based business” but if you go to google or any other search engine you’ll find that there are so many websites that already use the term “home based business” that your competition is too steep.

A better choice would be “best home based job in Chicago” or “top work from home opportunity in Texas”. Even though less people will be searching for these terms when they do search for them they’ll have a better chance of finding you. The more specific the better with your keywords especially when it comes to the home based business industry because there is so much competition.

Try to use keywords in your website domain name, on your website, on your blog, in articles, on Youtube and pretty much everywhere else you can.

Everything comes back to keywords when you’re working on the internet. Do your research and find keywords that work well for you. Use them as much as possible and more and more people will be looking at your opportunity and that means more money in your pocket.